
This video is inspiring!

I can’t get the video to show here, but copy, paste, and you won’t be sorry!

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11 Responses to Awe

  1. Darren B says:

    “We have a responsibility to awe”.
    I think he is right about that and I would call that gratitude
    or living in grace and awe.
    Even though Carl Sagan often said he was an atheist,I could always see that sense of gratitude and awe he expressed in his TV series “Cosmos”.
    You don’t have to be a believer to live in awe,you just have to live in wonder at the miraculous things around you.
    And grace isn’t about being scared that if you don’t say thank you to some big powerful cantankerous god that he will take away all the things you like,it’s about keeping you focused on the miraculous journey you are a part of without falling back into the sleep of the mundane world.
    Grace is it’s own reward because it keeps you awake to wonder and lets you see the greater possibilities that lie in front of you.

  2. Interesting, but I wonder how we define ‘awe’. The modern dictionary says “a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder” whereas it seems to have originated from the Old English ‘ege’ meaning “terror, dread, awe”. But it probably doesn’t really matter!
    There are amazing things around us, and in us, once we get out of the routine.

    • Darren B says:

      Words are imperfect tools because they evolve over time to take on different meanings to their origins.
      Gay ?
      And the one word can carry more than one meaning,so it all comes down to context.Being a poor speller I had to check that I had used the right “lie” in my comment above,”Grace is itโ€™s own reward because it keeps you awake to wonder and lets you see the greater possibilities that lie in front of you” ,in case I was using the word in the “telling a lie” context instead of the “be, remain, or be kept in a specified state”. Turns out in my ignorance it was the same word,it was just a matter of how it would lie with a group of other words around it in a sentence to give it meaning…for today anyway.
      Too many arguments surround the meaning of a particular word,or words in books like the Bible and can be easily taken the wrong way.
      Take “The Lord is my shepherd” for instance.
      What if you were an archeologist thousands of years into the future and found this fragment of it ?
      “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
      He maketh me to lie…”
      You might assume it was saying to get by in life you had to lie to people .-)

  3. Awesome. Jason Silva, new to me Trish; I’m listening to some other stuff he’s presented. Thanks for the intro.

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