Synchronicity Over Lunch

 When we were on Open Minds radio last spring, the host, Alejandro Rojas, asked if aliens can control synchronicity. The question is a good one and came up again today, when we had lunch with a woman who has had encounters for the last twenty years.

Sandy and her second husband, George, live on Florida’s West coast, we live on the East coast, so today we met them for lunch halfway across the state in the town of Clewiston. We’ve been corresponding with Sandy ever since she got in touch with us in late September,  after having read  Aliens in the Backyard. During the years of her encounters, she has kept meticulous notes and journals about what transpires and had sent us some of her journal entries.

We planned to meet at the Clewiston Inn but it turned out the inn doesn’t serve lunch until the tourist season begins in a few weeks. So we ended up at the Tiki Bar, an open air place on the shores of Lake Okeechobee. On Sundays, it’s  also a biker bar. Dozens of Harleys roared in just as we arrived, but we got a waterside table and talked for the next three hours.

Sandy is a retired veterinarian whose specialty was animal neuroscience. Her encounters have never involved the classical abduction scenario, medical experimentation, or being taken into a craft. Some of her experiences of these beings – whom she refers to as energies – sound utterly terrifying to me, but over the years she has learned to control her fear and now works consciously with these entities.  She has names for them – Watcher, Marshal, John –  which makes it easier for her to distinguish them in her journals.

During the course of our conversation, we also talked about synchronicity. She feels that ever since these encounters started, the entities “arrange” major events through synchronicities, that they actually generate the synchros. Her move from Maryland to Florida and her meeting George 17 years ago are two such events. This part of the conversation led into a discussion about free will. She says that even when these synchros were occurring, she had the free will to make different decisions, to go in another direction.

Interestingly, this is echoed by Bernard Beitman, a professor of psychiatry at University of Virginia, who just finished a book on meaningful coincidence.  “A synchronicity presents you with an option but it doesn’t mean you should make the choice that seems to be suggested.”

But Sandy chose to heed the synchronicities and not only moved to Florida, but ended her first marriage to Jay, a physician. Jay’s encounters included abductions that were sometimes so horrible  she had to throw herself over him to calm him down.   The entities “scolded” him for being coldly objective and subsequently taught him to meditate and to open his mind and heart. He and Sandy remain friends and although he no longer has encounters, his life has completely changed – for the better.

We asked her what she thought the beings’ agenda is. “Maybe it’s about helping humanity evolve.”

Sandy says that her intent is to work with these beings and record the experiences. She tries not to judge or dissect what happens, but because she’s such a left-brain person it can be challenging to simply remain open, without fear. “The beings are teaching me to manage the powerful energy that comes in when they’re present. I’m learning to work with matter and to move in and out of dimensions, even to strange worlds and different times. The space/time jumps are my favorites.”

Whitley Strieber has also written about these space/time jumps. I think he calls them time slips. For Sandy, they seem to happen suddenly, without warning, and she finds herself in some sort of parallel world/dimension with people whom she knows. In one experience, she found herself as a convention of scientists and asked the woman next to her what year it was. The woman whispered, “We’re not supposed to talk about dates.” But Sandy kept pressing her for the year and the woman finally said, “19…” And that was it.

Judith Orloff, an M.D. and author,  wrote about something similar in Second Sight. In between lives, she visits and lives with her soul family, people she knows only from the between state.

Sandy, like Strieber, believes there may be some connection between the entities and the dead. She also is convinced that since her encounters started in 1994, her intuitive abilities have deepened.

“I think paradigm shifts start as localized ripples like this that eventually spread and grow large enough to change how we think and function as a society,” she says.

 If so, then perhaps one day synchronicity will be understood as the unifying force that it certainly appears to be.


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4 Responses to Synchronicity Over Lunch

  1. You certainly meet some interesting people – and, in this case, with a more positive outlook. I also liked the way Sandy paid heed to her synchronicities, very interesting.

  2. DJan says:

    I too am heartened by this post. Whatever is going on in the world right now, we (meaning conscious beings) need all the help we can get. I continue to be grateful that I stumbled onto your blog somehow, and I continue to learn. To think that there are conscious beings in other dimensions who are reaching out to people like Sandy, that makes me feel hopeful.

  3. lauren raine says:

    Thanks for this thought provoking post! As I so often feel despairing at the destructiveness of humanity these days, it’s encouraging to think there are forces that want to help us evolve.

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