Music synchros on wheels

Music-related coincidences are one of the most common ways people experience synchronicity. Because it’s music, maybe it’s easier to find meaning in these experiences. In The Synchronicity Highway, we referred to Daz’s music synchro that was first posted here in the introduction. He was burying his cat in the woods, his car nearby, the radio on when Peter Gabriel’s song, Digging in the Dirt, came on, expressing exactly what he was doing.

I experienced two such music synchros today on a trail ride through the woods on my  mountain bike. I usually ride early on Tuesdays with my friend Don, but I’d skipped our ride for a dentist appointment and went out alone the next day. Interestingly, Don had told me that on his most recent solo spin through this trail, which is considered moderate to expert level in difficulty, he had fallen twice. He blamed his lapse in concentration on the fact that he’d taken his iPod along and the music distracted him.

In my case, the music seemed to serve as a warning. I was moving along on the trail approaching a new branch that is more challenging – lots of roots, steep uphill mounds and sharp drops, twists and turns. At one point, there’s a series of protruding roots that are challenging, especially since if you fall to the left you roll down an embankment and into a canal. That would be no fun.  I was wondering whether to go for it or skip it when the lyrics to an old Grateful Dead song, Ripple, caught my ear: “If you fall, you are alone.”

Yikes, I thought. It sounded like a direct message. I continued on, bypassing the new cut. The trail was somewhat wet after a rainfall the night before and a few minutes later, as I made a turn and went over an angled log, my back tire slid out and I barely caught myself with my foot as the bike went down. Just as all of that was happening, Cosmic Love, by Florence & the Machine, was playing and she was singing “falling star…”

That one was more of a joke than a warning, a trickster synchro that sent on my way to the end of the trail…and home in one piece.

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7 Responses to Music synchros on wheels

  1. Darren B says:

    Synchy stuff Rob and on the subject of radio syncs my sync-head mate Will Morgan from the radio pod-cast show “42 Minutes” (which you guys have been on) just released the third and final Andras Jones (Radio 8-Ball) sync video on You Tube today and it shows a movie he was in where he could predict songs that would come on the radio as he was driving a bus to the Hurricane Festival.Andras has a show called Radio 8-Ball where people ask a question and then choose a number between 1 & 8 which corresponds to some chosen songs which may contain answers to the seekers question.
    I also did a post about how Andras’ book synced up to my life with the Sylvester syncs.His walk takes place in Sylvester Park,Olympia and there is a bandstand now (which looks similar to the one in Andas’ park in Olypia) in the park across the road from where Sylvester is buried on the other side of the world from the Olyimpia park bandstand.
    As above,so below,I guess ?-)
    The post even ended up syncing with Mike Perry with all the bandstand links in the post.

  2. It would be interesting if we could check what would have happened if we hadn’t have heeded advice – as with you avoiding the new cut. In some other dimension I wonder if you fell along that new route?

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