Animal Communicator

This documentary, about a woman who is an animal communicator – specifically with baboons- is well worth your 52 minutes. It’s one of the most moving documentaries I’ve ever seen. Here’s the synopsis from the website. Thanks to Daz for alerting us to this one.

Synopsis: What if you could talk to animals and have them talk back to you?

Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back from the animals.

Anna can feel the scars hidden under a monkeys fur, she can understand the detailed story that is causing a birds trauma, she transforms a deadly snarling leopard into a relaxed content cat – the whole animal kingdom comes alive in a way never seen before – wild birds land on her shoulders, fish gather around her when she swims, and wild unfamiliar baboons lie on her body as if she is one of their own.

This is the first full length documentary film on the art of animal communication.

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4 Responses to Animal Communicator

  1. Will watch the documentary another later, looks interesting – thanks. I don’t doubt that we can communicate with animals.

  2. nancy says:

    Thanks for the heads up – will definitely watch it soon. Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday.

  3. Thanks so much for posting this. I remember the time we took our young kids to a traveling circus in old Greenwich and I said I was going to talk to the lion. My husband held the kids back and said in a sort of kidding way, “Watch this, your mother is going to talk to the lion.” I walked over to his cage. I hate seeing animals in cages. I stood in front of the lion and said hello in my mind. The lion got up and gave out the most horrendous roar – like he was saying “Get me out of here!” It was scary because this was a small tent in a small town. Well this movie verifies that experience. Anyway, the movie is about more than that. I think it should be shown in all schools. It should especially be shown to people who do not like animals.

    I am forwarding the link to this movie to many. A wonderful Thanksgiving message.

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