St. Jude vs. the Stalker

This is a scary story about a stalker. Having been the target of one, we can sympathize. Because this stalker is still on the loose and threatening the life of his target, we’re not using names, not even the name of the person who related this story. We do, however, use the name of St. Jude, who we’ve written about here, and who again comes into a story as a synchronicity–a connection between a deeper reality and our often crazy everyday world.


“A friend of mine has been seriously stalked for some months now. It began on Facebook and e-mail. So she gave up all social networking, but the stalking continues through the mail for months. Twice a week she would receive notes sent to her business and home addresses.

“She employs 28 people in her business and this week the stalker wrote to many on the staff. Posing as the woman and forging her signature, the stalker told the staff that they all would get terrific salary raises and bonuses!

“More sinister, though, is the fact that the stalking has escalated to include  death threats sent to her home address. The stalker knows the names of all her family and her two dogs. He always names the dogs and posts their photos, along with photos of family members, which were taken from her FB page.

“Her father is a close friend of mine and as you can imagine is beside himself with worry. So today I recommended petitioning Saint Jude for help. He replied he had a visit from a child called Jude yesterday and had been playing Hey Jude last night. And then I came along and mentioned the name. So he’s going to try it.

“The police are involved and now are taking it most seriously. However, they are unable to trace the post marks on the envelopes because the post office doesn’t stamp letters that way anymore. So all the letters pass through a big city for sorting, regardless of which town they were posted in locally.

“This young woman is also a friend of mine. It’s interesting that a clairvoyant we both use told her as soon as she walked in that she was being stalked and letters would start arriving at her home and business addresses. The clairvoyant thought there are two people involved, but had no more to offer.

The latest threat involved a collage created on a computer that showed a coffin and a party going on around it. The message with it said: “You’re your funeral party!’

“Meanwhile, her father performed his first invocation to St. Jude. Afterwards, he texted a friend and the predictive text that appeared spelled Jude, which wasn’t even close to the word he was texting. He and a friend had just read a book about the Beatles and were texting in ‘John Lennon speak,’ when he used the term ‘luff,’ which generated Jude – the Lennon song.

Certainly it served as confirmation. He seems plugged into the right frequency. My cards suggest divine intervention in this situation. I can only hope they are right!


Apparently, the young woman has no idea who is stalking her, which must make it even more frightening and frustrating. In our case, we were able to track down the stalker. But when we confronted him, via e-mail, he called the police and reported that we were stalking him! That was after he had destroyed three of our computers, let us know he knew our address, and threatened to come after us. We could’ve used help from St. Jude at that point. But we received help from another source, and once the FBI’s Internet division took an interest, he immediately ‘un-stalked’ us…and stalked away elsewhere.

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15 Responses to St. Jude vs. the Stalker

  1. innervibe says:

    Interestingly, I lit a St. Jude candle this morning as a petition to help me with something that has been very difficult for me, for a long time. I’ve never lit one with this saint on it before. Something bigger at work here…

  2. St. Jude was the Patron of Hopeless Causes, in my childhood. He could do the impossible and often did and we were cautioned to go to St. Jude only when all other avenues were explored. I hope there is a follow up story where the mystery is solved and all is well.

  3. lauren raine says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about this cowardly, and clearly sadistic, person being able to victimize your friend. But it does sound as if the invocation of divine intervention will help – may they continue to ask for the protection of St. Jude.

  4. Laurence Zankowski says:


    This is why I am seriously looking at TOR, email encryption methodologies , and never ever never ever creating a Facebook account, never ever. NEVER.

    Stop thinking of convenience and or vanity with these social sites. Please.

    Use twitter with innocuous tweets, stop or turn off locations if you use instagram ( another Facebook scavenging/ scraping company) . Turn off gps in your photos of your house, family members. Situational awareness needs to be taught. This is not about being fearful today but realizing that this a complex society and tools of ease are abused as much as used.

    Sorry for the rant.

    Btw. Under $ 100 and I can get everything legit off the web. Reverse look up, titles, court records, appearances, no one is immune.

    Be well


    • Rob and Trish says:

      Sorry this didn’t go up sooner, Laurence. I just found it in spam, along with some other comments. Good points you make here.

    • nancy says:

      I absolutely agree. One of the reasons I no longer blog, nor do I have Facebook. Everything we do is being tracked, sorted, and filed somewhere. We have friends whose son graduated from a very prestigious university and was hired by a company in Silicon Valley – all his company does is data mine. Our best and brighest figuring out ways to use the personal information we put out there on a daily basis.

  5. Momwithwings says:

    I was just thinking today about the guy who stalked me all through college and several years after. It’s terrifying.
    My heart goes out to your friend. People don’t take these seriously enough, they can turn dangerous and deadly.
    I will say a prayer for her, she needs protection.

  6. This must be a horrible, worrying experience for the person concerned. I suppose the stalker is a coward, otherwise any grudge or problem would be sorted face to face. Let’s hope St Jude can bring about a satisfactory conclusion.

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