Nine lives & more…

Paws snuggled into a bookcase next to a few metaphysical titles

There’s an old saying that cats have nine lives. But if animal reincarnation is real, cats and other animals might have far more than that. Just ask Alexis Brooks.

Alexis is someone who likes to peer behind the doors of reality. She does so in her writings —including her book, Conscious Musings: A Collection of Contemplations about Life and Potentiality, and on her radio show, Conscious Inquiry Radio, which is associated with Conscious Life News.

I recently came across an essay by Alexis on the Conscious Life News website that intrigued me. It dealt with synchronicity, but from a surprising direction, that of animal reincarnation. We’ve looked at synchronicity here from a wide variety of approaches, but never from this one. The title of the essay is Synchronicity and the Evidence of Animal Reincarnation.

The part of the piece that intrigued me the most was her story of an incident of apparent teleportation involving her cat, Paws. Alexis saw the unusual happening as a hint of what was to come, his passing on and his return.

Here is the excerpt from the essay.


“Reality although often perceived through the lens of belief is nonetheless far more vast than most of us can fathom.  The existence of life after death and reincarnation are but two phenomena that beg the question as to how incalculable the universe truly is.

“It’s been through my own occasional experiences that have called into question for me, the very nature of reality – its scale and scope; its unbounded and wondrous nature.  And the more I experience and contemplate the very essence of these experiences, the more I am convinced that the universe aims to reveal its magnanimous ways to each of us – through synchronicity!

“Within this context, I’ve written about one of those, shall we say ‘incalculable’ experiences; my own personal account having to do with the possible reincarnation of my Persian cat Paws, now called “Clover Paws.”  This experience was and is (as it continues to unfold) a most intriguing confluence of events that began perhaps years before the inevitability of the reincarnation was to occur.

“The post script to this encounter, upon reflection is rather telling, unfolding through a series of synchronicities.

“Shortly after my article, The Phenomenon of Animal Reincarnation was published in December of 2012, I was asked to speak at a conference on animals in the afterlife and present my own personal account as well as the research that I’d done into the phenomenon.  Subsequent to that, I spoke about the subject on the 30 Odd Minutes television program to discuss the research as well as my own reflections on what may be happening relative to the process of reincarnation.  It was largely through these two channels that revealed some very curious phenomena that would not be recognized until recently.

“The universe, it seems reveals its nature through synchronistic suggestion, recognized by the experiencer albeit in a very subjective manner.  This has surely been the case for me.

“I’d always felt my cat Paws to be somewhat of a messenger, a personal oracle of sorts.  Even during the last days of his life, he’d displayed unusual tendencies which would peak my attention.

“Just two or so weeks prior to his passing in 2012, while I was simultaneously preparing to visit Los Angeles to cover the Conscious Life Expo conference and interview past life regressionist, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, I had a most disturbing but intriguing encounter.  I was sitting in our family room which is situated behind our kitchen.  I could see Paws roughly twenty feet away in the kitchen from my vantage point in the family room.  He had been standing next to his food and water bowl near the kitchen door, stationary.  In an instant so quick, it would be impossible to measure, Paws appeared at my feet in the family room!  Though quite difficult to fully explain, essentially Paws disappeared from the kitchen and re-appeared some twenty or so feet away with no apparent time having passed.  I was dumb struck at this incongruity, probing for some logical explanation as to how this could be.

“As a researcher into these areas of inquiry, although I am acquainted with such anomalies, when you are the one who sits right smack in the middle of the experience, it begins to take on an entirely different dimension.  One goes from perceiving from an intellectual perspective to knowing from an experiential one!”

For more details on how Alexis identified Clover Paws as the reincarnation of Paws, you can take a look at this video from 30 Odd Minutes.

Paws & Clover Paws from two merged photos

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3 Responses to Nine lives & more…

  1. Have never given animal reincarnation much thought other than an acceptance that if we come back then so do they.

    One of my son’s cats, Poppy, died and it was explained to grandson Sammy what had happened. Months later my son and daughter-in-law decided it was the right time to have another kitten. Kirsty went to an animal rescue place along with Sammy (aged 3) She decided on the kitten she wanted but Sammy wanted a different one and kept calling it Poppy. To cut it short they eventually brought home two kittens. The one Sammy chose is now also called Poppy (the other one is Rosie). It could, of course, all be just because the old and the new Poppy look similar.

  2. lauren raine says:

    I remember reading a story once about a woman who lost her beloved cat, and a few months later was very surprised to find a kitten sleeping by her front door. When she opened the door, the kitten came right on in, went over to where her cat’s bowl would have been, and sat there looking expectantly at her, as if to say, “Well, when’s dinner?”. She was convinced by other behaviors that the kitten was her friend, come back again.

    I’ve often felt that way with some of my cats. I guess animals are “people” to me anyway, so why shouldn’t they reincarnate along with everyone else?

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