Those uncanny twins

We’ve written previously about twins who were separated at birth and later re-united, and the surprising similarities they discover in their lifestyles, habits and personal histories.

Now comes the case of twin boys separated at four weeks of age. The two sets of adoptive parents, who never met, both named their boys ‘Jim.’ At age five, Jim Lewis was told that he was a twin. At age 8, Jim Springer learned that he had a twin, but his parents thought the twin had died

The two were finally reunited at age 39. The similarities the twins shared amazed them and also researchers at the University of Minnesota, who were studying twins who had lived apart. The story of the two Jims is also included in Entangled Lives, by Nancy Segal.

Here are some of the traits that Segal lists.

– Both men were 6-feet tall and exactly 180 pounds.

– As youngsters, each Jim had a dog named Toy.

– Each Jim had been married twice. Their first wives were both named Linda and the second wives were both called Betty.

– One Jim had named his son James Allan and the other Jim had named his son James Alan.

-Each twin had driven his light-blue Chevrolet to Pas Grille beach in Florida for family vacations.

– Both Jims smoked Salem cigarettes and drank Miller Lite beer.

– Both Jims had at one time held part-time posts as sheriffs.

– Both were fingernail biters and suffered from migraine headaches.

– Each Jim enjoyed leaving love notes to his wife throughout the house.

The University of Minnesota study also found differences between the Jims, but not too many. They combed their hair differently. One Jim communicated better through speech, while the other preferred writing. One of the Jims had also divorced his Betty and was married for a third time to a woman named Sandy.

All things considered, that last difference might not bode well for the other Jim’s second marriage. Especially if he happens to meet someone named Sandy.

Oh, one other oddity. The Jims live in Minnesota—home of the Minnesota Twins baseball franchise!


Shortly after Rob had written this post and put it on the dashboard, our neighbor, Annette, stopped by to relate another synchro that she and her identical twin, Janette, had experienced.

“So I’m going to this charity event in Lakeland this weekend,” she says. “And I bought this cool red jacket and I was telling Janette about it. She said I should wear her red jacket, that it was longer than the one I’d bought. I don’t know why she thought that since she hadn’t seen my jacket, but whatever.

“She starts describing her jacket to me  – the color, the cut, the fabric – and I suddenly realized she was describing my jacket. Wait a minute. Where’d you buy this jacket?” Annette asked.

“Cole’s,” Janette said.

The same place Annette had bought her jacket. The jackets were identical.

We’ve yet to get a photo of the identical jackets, since the sisters are out of town, but will certainly do so in a future post. The relationship between identical twins seems to be riddled with synchros.


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8 Responses to Those uncanny twins

  1. Laurence Zankowski says:


    You know I keep forgetting one major aspect to all this and our lives as a whole. The heart. Its life field /force that surrounds it can actually be the point of connectedness to these identical births. Also to us or others of similar outlooks. Like those of us who have connections to The Monroe Institute. We have never seen each other, but we feel some how a community of like mindedness .

    Be well,

    Again, food for thought,


    • Rob and Trish says:

      Great food for thought. I told S I thought the institute should start a radio show/podcast. I would love it.

      • Laurence zankowski says:


        Though doable, the quality of such an undertaking should be the level of Charlie Rose. You might disagree here. But the nature of low cost hd cameras, editing on an iPad, quality audio, again on an iPad, we can get rid of the skype headset madness and shoot for a studio only video based podcast. Audio can be stripped out for time shifted radio /iTunes type podcast.

        Be well


  2. Laurence Zankowski says:


    You might have to take into account the theory of non localized conciousness, entanglement theory, the idea of genetic memory. Plus, this one, if our brains are receivers as some esoteric mystery schools say, and quite possibly our DNA, with now its recently discovered “second language”, also receivers, then none of this seems all that astounding.

    The genetic material in twins, possibly triplets and up, the soul aspect of these types of humans may in a sense be distributed between all. Plus, you would still allow individiation, but at high levels of soul expression and / or consciousness, entanglement theory would or could explain the similar traits and / or actions.

    Now this would be for only those who are of identical, not fraternal births.

    All above is just food for thought.

    Be well,


  3. These sort of twin coincidences are always ‘uncanny’. I don’t fully understand it, the jackets can perhaps be explained but with the two Jims with their wives and dogs names and some of the other similarities is very, well, uncanny.

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