A Christmas Story

This video was sent to us by Judi Hertling, our friend from British Colombia. It’s a winner!


To all of you from the MacGregors, Merry Christmas!

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11 Responses to A Christmas Story

  1. Nancy says:

    That was sooo cute! Thank you for the Christmas cheer and a very Merry Christmas to the MacGregors from the Atkinsons!

  2. Darren B says:

    Have yourselves a very synchy Christmas everyone.
    And good interview on “42 Minutes” today –

    Click on link here to listen –

  3. Laurence Zankowski says:

    May the awe and wonder, the tears of joy on rosy cheeks infuse you with joyous spirit throughout this holiday season.

    Merry Christmas!, to the synchro secrets family, spread far and wide…

    Be well


    I am the Son of Earth and Starry Sky, I am thirsty. Please, give me something to drink from the fountain of Memories…

  4. Wow! There is a Santa Claus after all.

    Have a wonderful Christmas.

  5. Thanks for all the gifts of wonder and pondering that you share on a daily basis, Trish and Rob. May all your best dreams come true.

  6. Momwithwings says:

    Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

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