An Egyptian Connection

Here’s another story from the journals of ‘Sandy,’ a retired veterinarian, who has experienced decades of encounters with a variety of seemingly benevolent alien beings. Synchronicity has played a large role in her life and this story highlights one such event. This story dates back to 1996, the year she began her journaling.

“I had a wonderful massage at the health fair and afterward I was just wandering around, looking at the alternative medicine displays, when a woman sitting in the corner of the room caught my eye. Her table was set up for Egyptian Oracle readings and I felt very drawn to her. She introduced herself as Geralyn and I sat down and immediately began telling her about Gabriel and the ETs working with me who claim to be from Sirius. She smiled and said Gabriel works with her often and is the Angel of Courage.

“I told her about the meditation vision I recently had where I was standing beside the great pyramid looking down, knowing there was something I needed to read there, and when I looked up and to my left, there was a large UFO hovering in the sky at the level of the top of the pyramid. Geralyn smiled at me, and then picked up her book on the Egyptian Oracle; this is a book explaining the metaphysical meanings of the hieroglyphs of the Egyptian-style runes she uses for readings. She opened to a chapter and covered the title with her hand and turned the page towards me to show me the picture of a rune hieroglyph and asked “Sandy, what do you see here….?”

“It was a rune hieroglyph of a triangle with a small star or stick-like figure drawing of a person next to it, and above it was a half-circle disk I was absolutely stunned! ‘That’s me,’ I said. She nodded and removed her hand from the chapter title, which read: “Sirius the Dog Star.”

The rune signified change that one may greatly benefit from, a new cycle as the appearance of the dog star indicated for the ancient Egyptians. She said, “You have important work to do. ”  Then she started the reading and said that I needed to talk more openly about the ETs.

“She laid out some cards and the first words out of her mouth were “Beware of false prophets.” She said there is someone around me whom I have instilled great trust but that they do not walk their talk and are very destructive, and that I will be quite disappointed to learn this. She also said to be careful in Florida, not to get distracted from my mission or everything will be chaos.  She also said I have gone beyond the veil.

“As she spoke I constantly saw orbs of soft light hovering around her. She said I have a lot of work ahead of me and she smiled warmly at me. She also said that I need patience, that I want everything all at once, patience. We hugged and I know we will be in touch.

“Years later, I bought the Egyptian Oracle runes that Geralyn used so I could copy the chapter title page mentioned above for my journal entry. Below is the scanned page that she showed me:”


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10 Responses to An Egyptian Connection

  1. lauren raine says:

    So who was the “false prophet”? Would like to hear more about how her reading followed……….

    I think often of people like Sig Lonegren, Paul Devereaux, and Freddy Silva (although he’s a bit out there), who point out that megaliths, and the pyramids, are designed to affect earth energies, to amplify them. As many crop circle investigators believe, UFO’s are attracted to such sites, perhaps utilize those energies in some way………….

  2. Darren B says:

    I wonder if Peter Gabriel is influenced by ETs from Sirius ?

  3. Darren B says:

    Woody feels like he’s a alien according to this clip of his-

  4. Rob and Trish says:

    Now the images are up.

  5. Unfortunately the scanned page isn’t visible, but what a fascinating story.

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