Mike Perry’s Book Synchros

 People have different criteria about selecting books or deciding if they’re worthy of reading.  If I’m browsing in a bookstore and find a book that interests me, I’ll often read the first page and the last and if it feels right, I’ll buy the book.

Other people buy on the basis of the cover or the back cover copy and reviews.  And still others determine the book’s quality by opening it at random and reading whatever is there. But Mike Perry  takes a look at any page with a 6, 7, 67, or 76, his numbers.

Recently he posted about this on his blog, where the other number involved was a 3.


from Mike:

I’ve been reading Rob & Trish’s book The Synchronicity Highway (and very good it is too). I’ve only got up to reading to page 49 but, as I sometimes do with books, I flicked through the pages quickly before I started reading to see if anything caught to my attention. It did.

I found that Trish and Rob have mentioned my synchro experiences three times in the book – and there’s a strange thing about the pages they are on.

The first in on page 7, so when looking at the book pages 6 and 7 are open (67 being one of the important numbers in my life).

The second synchro is on page 67!  “Bound to be a third,” I thought …

… and there it was on pages 105 and 106. Then it dawned on me 1+5=6 and 1+6=7 – so a third 67.

Now some will say things like this only happen because we are looking for patterns within our lives, but surely there is more to it than this. Otherwise why would so many of us say things happen in threes.

Are these threes perhaps pre-programmed as an attention seeking novelty item by the ‘Universe’? A bit too fanciful for you? Okay, maybe we create the third with our belief that there will be a third.


Numbers, matrices of messages. That’s how it seems to me.

In the end, isn’t it all about belief?

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9 Responses to Mike Perry’s Book Synchros

  1. Momwithwings says:

    This was a good one!
    I love finding the third one!

  2. gypsy says:

    ok – so just as i come down here to comment, a cat litter commercial song begins – something about smart cats and litter and the litter they deserve – i kept trying to find an “off” button or something but could not find any visual anything to indicate that a recording was even playing – weird – very weird…cat litter???

  3. Aleksandar Malecic says:


    I’ve qualified only once for a blog post on this website, but perhaps because my synchros go all over the place. There’s quite a few words mentioned in both of those songs. Those very words are also mentioned in Jung’s Red Book (of course there is a long and complicated story behind how I’ve noticed that; there is even a centipede mentioned in that song and in Jung’s illustration). A stretch of imagination or not, but those lyrics and Red Book (a picture from the top of this webpage) kind of talk about the same thing. Red Book also mentions wolf, tiger, and butterfly, something I’ve talked about in my comments here: https://www.synchrosecrets.com/synchrosecrets/?p=9164. Well, that prophecy obviously hasn’t fulfilled, but the pattern is still following me.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      The pattern is everything.

      • Aleksandar Malecic says:

        Perhaps it is, but if that pattern repeats over and over again and intensifies, it can’t be challenging to follow it. Especially if it “tells” to a person something about “dropping a bomb” akin to “V for Vendetta” or the end of this video (something unlikely, but not totally impossible): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24Yubszwmmg (Letu Stuke – Tesla (official video)).

        Other words also mentioned in The Red Book and one song (even though I can’t find an owl) are light, dark, day, night, curse, bless, dragon, cool, velvet, belly, floor, tame, horizon, spirit, stretch, spread, opened, essence, future, earth, red, green, black… It’s as if a teacher said: “Write a poem for homework, but use at least ten words from The Red Book (by “words” I don’t mean “it”, “was”, “also”, “for” and such). For the title use ONLY words from The Red Book.”

        Two comments after my previous comment (2+1=3) are about litter and finding “the third one”. “[…] everything the battles of yore have littered the earth with.” – The Red Book, chapter The Three Prophecies

  4. Belief – right up to the end! And hopefully beyond!

    Many thanks for the link.

  5. lauren raine says:

    I like your comment “isn’t it all about belief”. Like dreams, patterns and symbols are relevant and “readable” to each of us as individuals. Thanks for posting this!

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