Between the lines

About 20 years ago, Jane Clifford of Wales started noticing astonishing synchronicities, usually related to books. She sent us a long list of them. Here are a few.

1) At a dinner party my host told me I must accompany him the next day to see a Dickensian cobblers shop in his local town. Two days later I randomly bought a modern novel in which one character took another to a “Dickensian cobblers shop”.

2) A few months later I was reading a book at home and had just read that the people in it found shelter in a seaman’s mission. At that precise moment the phone rang and an unknown lady asked me if I would like to collect for a charity “The seaman’s mission.” I had never heard of it until that moment and had no connection with the charity.

3) I was going on a trip to Ireland so I bought a novel by JP. Donleavy to read on the trip. Through a series of random events I was introduced to him and invited to tea. My Irish friends tell me he is the most famous recluse in Ireland so invitations are rare. I went and had a delightful day.

4) Whilst in Ireland I bought a novel by an Irish writer. Spookily, as the novel unfolded I was visiting each of the places described in the novel. My itinerary was randomly decided by someone else who never read novels and had not had access to the one I was reading.

5) I was looking for a birthday gift for a friend. I selected a book of stories. I opened the book randomly and there was a story written by her grandfather. I bought the book.

6) I was meeting a friend in Wales for lunch before taking her to the Irish Ferry. She gave me an autobiography. On the way to the ferry she invited me to travel with her to her house, so I impulsively jumped on the ferry. Even though she had a large house, it was full of guests. So I was allocated the only room left vacant. I’d never stayed in this small room on previous visits, but I discovered there was something special about it. I began the gifted autobiography in the room where the woman who had written it had once lived, and her photo looked at me from the bedside table.

7) I was introduced by a mutual friend to a famous British playwright, and he told me he had an autobiography coming out. Some weeks later I saw a huge display of his book at the entrance of a book shop. I randomly opened it and there on the page was the name of the friend who had introduced us, and a story they had both related to me the day we had met. I bought the book.

8) I was flying to Norfolk, Virginia and randomly selected a book in a charity shop to read on the flight. On the plane I began reading and the story was set in Norfolk Virginia. I was still reading the book in Virginia when my host said we would be going to Carolina the next day. The story in the book changed to Carolina.
She also sent a good one about a rat that we might put in the book.

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7 Responses to Between the lines

  1. Gemel says:

    Bless her heart, sounds like what happens in my life!

    Most of us however don't listen to the inner whispers of our heart, instead they analyse with the head/ego and miss the magic destined for their life story……

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I've always wondered if there's a telekinetic element to these kinds of experiences. It seems to happen to certain people frequently. For others, it happens at certain periods in our lives when we need a particular kind of connection or information.

    Nobel prize winner – and friend of Jung's – Wolfgang Pauli, seemed to have a telekinetic effect on machinery. Machinery would break down when he walked into a room. It apparently happened so often, that his friend and co-workers called it "the Pauli effect."
    – Trish

  3. Jeninacide says:

    Recently my mom and I were at a bookstore and we were looking at all kinds of books- I wanted one on aliens- not sure what she was looking for- but one book FLEW off the shelf at her. She put it back and a minute later it flew off again. We decided she had BETTER buy that book. When she took it home and read it she realized that it was something that combined all (or a lot of) the spiritual teachings she had been researching for decades but was something totally NEW to her and she had actually heard from someone that she should read it. We both thought of synchronicity at the time.

  4. Nancy says:

    Wow, all of these stories are fascinating. The Welsh lady has an amazing affinity with books. Very interesting stuff.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good story, Marlene. We've had book synchroncities as well, where a book will fall off a shelf and it's just what we needed. I always feel I'm on the right track when that happens.

    About Jane, who sent these book stories to us: she's a very interesting Welch woman who told us she is a healer. So here's a synchronicity within a sychronicity story.

    I told her about the fractured bone in my foot and asked if she could help in the healing process. She immediatedly asked me what was keeping me from moving forward in my life. I didn't know the answer at that moment.

    She asked me to send her a photo of myself and also one of my foot, which I did. So last night, she wrote and said she was sending healing energy and thought it was working. She asked me to listen to a particular piece of music on YouTube and focus on my foot.

    I did so and also listened to one of my own relaxation sessions from the CD that comes with my book Psychic Power. I like listening to it because the publisher hired a professional 'voice' to read the material. So I don't have to listen to my own voice.

    I was lying on my back, my foot up, and suddenly the foot started hurting, as if I'd just injured it. It wasn't the effect I was expecting from a healing. After a few minutes, the pain receded and I got up.

    I sat at my computer and turned to my stalled novel, stared at the list of files, and suddenly knew what was blocking my way forward: this novel.

    I opened up the synopsis and tried to make sense of it. I shrugged, was ready to turn off the computer, and go to bed when suddenly I felt an intuitive spark. I realized what was wrong. I saw a new approach to the story. It was like the whole story – at least the major scenes – was laid out for me, and I typed as fast as I could to get it down. It all came to me in a flood.

    I think that was the healing. Today I foot is still in the boot. The healing process is continuing. I'm not ready to dance on it, but I'm not going to throw away my story, either. I now see how to move ahead.

  6. Marlene says:

    amazing…I wonder why this happens to her all the time, Could there be a underlining message there in these events to her , besides the evident synchronicity of it???
    I have always had a strange connections with books and events happening in my life..I'd would go to a thrift shop or bookstore and pass a stack of books and would be drawn to one in perticular ..sometimes the bottom of a stack not seeing the title..almost like that was the only book I saw..I of course would go dig it out..and it Always pertains to something I'm going thru in my life at that time..Sometimes I have had books drop on or in front of me in libraries or stores too..Almost like a "divine intervention" of sorts..helping me thru a difficult or confused stage in my life ..I used to be its just part of my life…The strangest one that happened to me was 10yrs the bay area..I was accompaning a friend who had extra ticket to see a speaker about Angels and guides here on earth helping… we were all in a long line before it opened..3 shops down on the sidewalk a store was wheeling books on carts outside to place on tables….one cart in perticular keep drawing my attention..the lower shelf a red corner of a book on the bottom..I ignored it not wanting to lose my place in line…suddenly the lady behind me said I want to checkout those books and turned to ME said I bet you do too..come with me they will hold out place ( I did not know her) I made the clerk dig out the corner of that book…it was a book I had never heard of "the Immortal" by Dewy..and it did pertain to our discussions that day and what the speaker would be talking about in that seminar…

  7. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    This really is synchronicity. It's awesome.

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