Baby Ka-boom

The Associated Press in an article a couple of months ago asked: Did America’s moms and dads and potential parents see the meltdown coming before the economists?

According to census figures, just before the earliest stages of the recession, there was a steep decline in the population growth of children less than a year old. The mystery is that the downturn in pregnancies began before the Wall Street crash in September.

The number of babies increased only 0.9 percent between July 2007 and July 2008, a sharp drop from the record-setting 2.7 percent growth for the preceding year. So maybe America’s family planners outperformed financial planners in predicting the rough economic times.

If true, it would indicate an example of collective family planning at the unconscious level. A message rippled along the invisible web warning of economic troubles and a noticable number reacted by deciding to put off having children.

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15 Responses to Baby Ka-boom

  1. terripatrick says:

    Great focus – humans actively engaging synchronicity! Yes!
    Thanks for the reminder why I am who I am, doing what I do. I have 5 boys, under 10 yrs old, who call me grandma. If there's a prison-cell sensation, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure they have keys to freedom.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cayce's timing was off on some things, but I was always fascinated by how he could do health readings and life readings while consciously asleep. Or in such a deep trance that it looked like he was asleep.

  3. Toumai says:

    Just did a little read up on Edgar Cayce. Very compelling… the predictions are astounding! And interesting that under hypnosis he referred to himself as "we".

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    About a year ago, a writer friend asked if one of us would like to have a free reading with a medium and, if we liked her work, blurb her book. I leaped on the opportunity.

    I was impressed with the reading. Janice Carlsbad touched on a number of details that she simply couldn't have known – about my deceased parents, about the golden retriever we had just lost, about a bird and a cat we'd had that had passed away recently. So I asked if either of my parents had reincarnated yet or had intentions of doing so soon.

    Her response? Not yet. But my mother, the more civic minded of my parents, would be the one to do so first, to help out in some way.

    "Help out?" I asked.

    Apparently, returning to this planet in the next 10-20 years will be like a prison sentence. That's how bad she sees things getting. But, Janice says, we still have time to turn things around.

    I'm an optimist. I like to believe that there's still time to raise our collective consciousness and avert many of the predictions that have come from the likes of psychics like Edgar Cayce. But I certainly keep Janice's admonitions in mind.
    – Trish

  5. Toumai says:

    Interpreting synchronicities could be problematic … after all, we humans are reknown for interpreting things wrongly… and even with good intentions.

    Lets ask the hypothetical question: what would people think if statistics revealed further that while overall increase to the birth rate declined to .9, that in reality certain segments of the population, minority groups lets say, experienced a significant increase.

    How would this be interpreted by the overall population? Would some people tend to then be of the mind that minority groups are not as well connected to their unconscious and/or the collective unconscious? It seems that If this was actually the case with the statistics it seems more likely then that minorities are simply better evolved to handle stress. It seems to me that having children creates a greater urgency to finding solutions to problems in our world … having children during trying times seems to me a testament of confidence and love of life. By the way, the word Toumai comes from the Goran language, African tribe of the Djurab desert, this is the name that they give to babies born during the dry season, it means "HOPE FOR LIFE".

    As with any new endeavor, its important to watch out for pitfalls while at the same time exploring and questioning openly.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting perspective, Jeninacide. The even larger question is: how many people can the planet sustain?

  7. Toumai says:

    I think that our collective unconscious is working to bring us together as one world… one community. Humananity is still very young and stubborn and so generally learn things the hard way, but the synchronicity "coaxing and goading" from this underlying reality/ parallel world, we inevitably steer us in the right direction. I think things will get much better for us when we learn the language and respond quicker.

  8. Jeninacide says:

    I don't know about anyone else, as far as family planning is concerned, but I know that I am not willing to have any more children (of my own) until I see the planet start to turn around as a whole. I don't see the point in bringing any more human beings into this uncertain environment. I am fully open to adoption- but at this point I only want as many children as I can carry if I need to run for it! (So to speak, anyway). If it wasn't for what was going on in the world right now I would probably have another child already! They're addicting! : )

  9. Toumai says:

    Rob, Trish… LOVE THE CONCEPT!! Speaks to every common sense fibre of my body!

  10. Toumai says:

    Definitely Stress brings about hyper vigilance(people don’t generally react to this well) but in the wild nature evolved stress so that creatures would be alerted to a potentially dangerous situation. It stands to reason that children are less "calloused" to stressor’s in the environment and so could very well be more aware of where it stems from….so perhaps Nancy has something… and we should respond to our young.

    I worry about the environment too. On three separate occasions while tending my garden this summer I noticed a bee struggling in the grass… this was not normal. I even tried to rescue the little creatures by putting them on a flower (where they ought to be)… they simply buzzed around in confusion?! This reminded me of the recent collapse of the honey bee population (and cure… says the media)—a close call and a reminder that we need to seriously look at ways to guard our food source … since one third of our food supply is pollinated by insects, 80% of these being honey bees, this leaves our burgeoning populations balancing on a thread.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We have a theory in our upcoming book that the human race has moved from harnessing fire to harnessing electricity, from linking to the Information Age to connecting with the Transformation Age. In that coming era, we actively engage synchronicity to solve problems and answer questions as we connect to the unconscious mind – the underlying reality.

    Toumai seemed to be reading over our shoulder when she commented that perhaps we are evolving to better understand the unconscious mind, and synchronicity is the connection.

  12. Nancy says:

    I think the country has been nervous for a long time. Now I hear my children talking about not having children, or in my daughter's case, only having one. There is a very real fear among young people, not about the economy, but about about enviromen, and it's ability to sustain life as we know it for their children. I wonder if they "know" something we don't.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Synchronicity as the language of the unconscious: I like that one, Toumai.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if the next baby boom will mean the economy is turning around.

  15. Toumai says:

    Interesting… and if true, it could also be that the decline wasn't so much from conscious decision to hold off on the family, but from the accumulated stressors in the environment reaching a peak that the subconscious then picks up on … since stress is linked to infertility this is plausible.

    Interesting thing is that a good many people pick up stressors at the unconscious level before becoming aware of the things that are "not right" around them (hence therapy). It would be nice if we could turn up the volume of our subconscious so that we could deal with situations earlier. Perhaps that is the reason behind synchronicity– we are evolving to better understand the language of our unconscious.

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