An Astro Synchro – sort of

 On January 6, I wrote up a synchro that will appear this month called The Dolphin Returns Home. It concerned one of our daughter’s dolphin paintings that was bought by fellow blogger and friend, Nancy Atkinson. It was shipped to her place in Hawaii during a Mercury retrograde.

Whenever Mercury is retrograde – which it is three times a year – there are travel and communication snafus. I felt uneasy about shipping the painting during this period, but Nancy really wanted the painting for her condo in Hawaii, so off it went. There were many screw-ups with this shipment.  

At any rate, I finished the post, copied a link into it – and the entire post vanished. I searched my computer, figuring it had to be somewhere, but I never found it and I hadn’t yet copied it to my backup drive. So on the morning of the 7th, I set out to reconstruct the post and had to look up the astrology information again, find the links, stuff that takes time.  I got sidetracked with some other astrology stuff and finally went to work on my ghostwriting project.

That afternoon – law of attraction? – I received an email from a woman who is editor of a business website,  asking if I would be interested in writing a piece for the site about the financial outlook for the 12 signs for 2014.  I told her I was  interested and asked what she wanted in terms of word count. It turned out that she was looking for 50 to 100 words per sign.

Here’s where the trickster had a great belly laugh. I thought that since it was a business website, they had a budget in mind.  But the editor wrote back and said $500 was a bit out of their price range. Even though they have 30 million unique visitors a month, the website isn’t turning a profit yet. Did I know of any other astrologers who might be willing to do the piece in exchange for exposure for their book or website?

I told her that none of the astrologers I know work for free, that the info doesn’t come off the top of your head but is time intensive. To do this kind of forecast requires hours of erecting charts and studying transits etc. to each of the sun signs. She said she understood and would keep looking.

Yes, good luck with that search.

The lesson I took away from this odd interaction is that I can’t assume anything about these types of synchros. Just because I was immersed in some astrology stuff shortly before I heard from this woman doesn’t mean it would necessarily pan out. In this way, it’s a lot like this synchro, which involved Ecuador and time travel, where an option is presented, but it isn’t necessarily the path you should follow.

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6 Responses to An Astro Synchro – sort of

  1. gypsy says:

    she should have been consulting you BEFORE she opened shop, such as it is! 🙂

  2. I’d have thought with that amount of visitors they should be making profit – perhaps they need some business advice!

  3. lauren raine says:

    30 million visitors a month and they can’t turn a profit? Huh? Sounds like another case of “artists and writers should work for free”.

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