From a Planetary Empath, Part I

On March 11, 2010, we posted our first piece about planetary empaths – those individuals who seem to have such a deep connection to the planet that they experience physical symptoms days and hours before a natural or manmade disaster. The day before, we had received emails from three women who didn’t know each other, but who commented on our blog, who were experiencing similar physical symptoms they believed were connected to an approaching disaster. That’s how the term was born. Ever since, we’ve been trying to keep track of their symptoms and how close they occur to natural disasters. If you enter planetary empaths into the search box, you’ll get a list of the posts.

Debra Page, one of those empaths, wrote on her blog, Mythic Musings, about how she connected the dots. It’s particularly fascinating in that she is not only psychic, but has the research skills to make connections that the rest of us might never see and the talent to express her journey. In a sense, she is an archeologist excavating her own psyche for answers.


Although I was born intuitive and empathetic, nothing prepared me for how those qualities would progress through life. It was in the early 1990’s that I began to notice that my intuitive flashes were expanding to include world events. The curious thing about this was that it was translated into body symptoms. Occasionally, a dream or a  dream or vision (like watching  a movie) would accompany the symptoms, but this was not the norm. I would feel a strong grief & heartache days prior to a world event. This would be almost crippling. I kept wondering: “What is wrong with me?” Then I began to notice a pattern. The grief episodes would precede an event, and disappear when the event happened: Princess Diana’s death, the beginning of the Gulf war, the Columbine school shootings, the Virginia Tech school shootings and the housing market debacle.

In 2004 there was an abrupt change in these abilities. I started hearing a range of tones in my left ear, accompanied by a spectrum of symptoms: dizziness, vertigo, headaches, bleeding in the ears, heart palpitations, strong feelings of foreboding, pressure in the head. I did go to my Dr. and had everything checked out. There was no explanation. A pattern emerged: approximately 1-4 days prior to an earthquake or volcanic eruption, the left ear would ring. Then came the other symptoms. The symptoms would disappear after the event- unless there was more to come. My other symptoms remained:  I was bedridden the day prior and on the day of  the Easter Quake (2010 Baja California) which also caused the ground beneath my home to move.

I lived three months after that with the feeling of living on water, like standing on a dock with constant rocking. This event was also preceded by bleeding in my ears. I went straight to the doctors with this. After a full exam they could offer no explanation. “Yes, we see the blood, but there doesn’t seem to be a source. You don’t have brain tumor.”

I received warning about the cataclysm in Japan, without knowing where it would happen. This scenario has not finished playing out. Though I didn’t have inner ear symptoms, I did have a lucid dream and body symptoms preceding the Gulf Oil Spill. This is another event that hasn’t completed its cycle.

It was through Trish and Rob MacGregor’s blog that I found others like me. Trish and Rob  coined the term “Planetary Empaths” on March 11, 2010 to describe the group of us that were having similar symptoms prior to cataclysmic events. From then on I have been looking at theories to explain what an planetary empath is.

What are the empaths connected to? Why is it happening? Is it evolutionary? A few of the empaths have asked  this question repeatedly “ Why are we given enough details to know something horrific is to occur, but not enough information to doing anything about it?” I have often noticed that I didn’t know what the meaning of the dream or vision was until the actual event was unfolding. Why? What is the use of this?


Tune in tomorrow to find out what Debra discovered.

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9 Responses to From a Planetary Empath, Part I

  1. Lauren Raine says:

    Fascinating post. What I thought of was the fact that animals seem to know when there is going to be an earthquake or tsunami – in parts of China, the behavior of animals several days prior to an earthquake event have been studied so as to act as warning signals. There were very few animals that were able to move away killed in the great tsunami in Thailand. As a dowser, I know that I can sense the presence of water, or energy leys in the land, without any real “logical” explanation as to why – it’s just a kind of antenna we all have.

    Why should this not also be true of us? We are also animals, part of the earth and of all living beings. I applaud Debra and others who are able to be open and empathic – I see that it must be very painful sometimes. I hope a day may come when these innate abilities are better understood and appreciated.

  2. Natalie says:

    Great post guys, excellent work, Debra!
    It is not a journey for the fainthearted, that is for sure.
    Love to you, Debra.♥

  3. Grace – sounds to me like you’ve got some of that empath in you! Thank you for the mention on your blog. We’ll be paying it forward!

  4. Grace says:

    Wow, I’m really looking forward to the next installment.

    I’m also highly intuitive, and have had physical sensations before earth events. The first time was when I was a child, in elementary school. I was still in bed sleeping one school morning – I remember it was dark. A ‘voice inside my head’ (smiling) said, “We’re going to have an earthquake.” The voice woke me up and moments later, I heard the quake rumbling down the hill. It was a big one! Must have been in the mid 60s or so.

    I’ve had dreams and such. The most recent was a ringing in my ears a couple of days prior to the Japan quake. I don’t know whether to call myself a Planetary Empath, or a suffering from something like HAARP…conspiracy theorist that I am. 😉

    ANYWAY, I left you a little something on my blog today.

    Peace and love,

  5. A cliff hanger! Very interesting to read Debra’s experiences, and will be interested to read what she has discovered.

  6. Nancy says:

    Great post! I can’t wait to hear what Debra came up with!

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