From Planetary Empath, Part II

Today, we continue with part 2 of Debra Page’s planetary empath discoveries.


Though I have always been somewhat psychic, I equate my empathic abilities (in so far as they are connected to the earth) with the arrival of an image I called Reindeer Woman.  This is how I came to be  recently re-reading  a book by author Peter Vitebsky, The Reindeer People: Living with Animals and Spirits in Siberia. It  has been full of synchronistic insights for me, both in regards to Reindeer Woman, and the work of a planetary empath.

Vitebsky documents his conversations with the Eveny, “The Reindeer People.” They show him how important the nightly dreams of the tribe or group are to their survival. The dreams warn them about changes in the environment, or about death and illness. The dreams tell them when they are out of balance with the “spirit of the place” or with their reindeer herds. Yet, notes Vitebsky, the dreams themselves “put up impenetrable barriers to any understanding before it’s fulfillment.” (Vitebsky/2005,pg 298)  And “the meaning of the dream revealed itself with shocking clarity when it was fulfilled. It was as if the dream was taunting the dreamer with her helplessness.” (IBID)

The tribe’s answer to this conundrum, through time, has been  to develop systems of divination that clarifythe dream. The tribe also has group dreams, shared between two or more members. They explained to Vitebsky  that while there existed group or conventional dream symbols, each dreamer has symbols that mean certain things specifically to that dreamer.  Some members of the tribe  will have bodily symptoms preceding specific events.

When the camp had an encounter with a hungry wolf, Vitebsky reported , “Later I found out Granny had felt a twitch the previous day in her left cheek , on the side that indicated something bad will happen.” (Vitebsky/2005 pg 344) (Italics mine: myself and other empaths have report a particular tone or ringing in the left ear only prior to a quake or volcanic eruption.) The camp’s pets and herds also gave warning prior to important events. Even the arrival of strangers is preceded days in advance by animals of the tribe.

In an attempt to “civilize” the nomadic Eveny people during the Russian Revolution of the 1920‘s, the shamans of the tribe were removed. Most were never seen again. Yet, the living field (described as spirits of the land, animals, trees, creatures and ancestors) that the Eveny people communicate with is still talking to them, through dreams, their pets and herds, and through their bodies.  Vitebsky’s wife came to visit him at the Eveny camps.  Sally, a psychologist from England “came to feel that the land had sent her dreams even while she was still in England.” (IBID).

For me, this example- the Eveny people – gives a possible explanation of what the phenomena of  being an earth empath may be and how it may work. It seems that there is no future if humans completely cut themselves off from this “living field”. Traditionally, this living field calls the few it will communicate with. These individuals don’t have a choice: they have to listen.

Since we no longer have a place for the traditional role of the shaman in our culture, it will be interesting to witness how this relationship between the unseen living field and the humans it chooses to interact with will continue to develop.  It would also appear that for our postmodern planetary empaths, the field has expanded: we are dreaming the world’s events, not just our own locale.

A very ancient path being fused to the post-modern world…..


The Senoi and the Aborigines also honor the role of dreams in their cultures to enlighten, illuminate, guide, warn, and confirm the actions and decisions of the tribe. It seems that Debra – and perhaps all the empaths – have tapped into something deep, collective, genuine. And the talent apparently continues to evolve. I suspect they are the new shamans who will help to usher us into the new paradigm.

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12 Responses to From Planetary Empath, Part II

  1. Here are two parts of an interesting video (at least to me) about precognition:

    They are kind of abstract for people who aren’t too familiar with physics mentioned there, but, if you can understand it, it has some interesting conclusions.

    Here is one more link that fits nicely here:

  2. I finally got to read this, as I was out of town for the weekend. I agree, I think these planetary empaths are indeed part of the new paradigm. It’s awesome they are building their new tribe through this blog, and it is global.

  3. Nancy says:

    I find this fascinating and so much in tune with my belief system. Thank you, Nica, for mentioning my research on living from the heart. I do believe it is the next important leap in evolution.

    We are so disconnected from all of the ways of “knowing” that our ancestors relied on. It would be really nice to live in a world that embraces our modern-day Shamans, and our own innate intuition.

  4. These have been two very interesting posts. Empaths share the feelings of others and the earth in general but it isn’t too far removed from precognition. So much links together and we are probably now ready to re-learn what we have forgotten.

  5. friend of nica says:

    so many things in vitebsky’s accounting ring true in my own case – and vitebsky has said them all so completely – for me, my dreams most frequently are the messengers of such events – when he says of dreams that they “put up impenetrable barriers to any understanding before it’s fulfillment……and the meaning of the dream revealed itself with shocking clarity when it was fulfilled. It was as if the dream was taunting the dreamer with her helplessness.” – it is as if he has been in my own dreams and reality – uncanny! how many times have i – and others here – lamented that very thing! now, what i also find incredibly uncanny is that one of the most primary physical symptom seems to be the left ear – why so much more frequently the LEFT – could it be that it’s the left because that’s the side most directly connected to our heart – and the heart being the place from which we evolve [not the brain] – with the heart having a denser electromagnetic field, it makes perfect sense that this is the case – nancy has great information on her site, by the way – – i have tracked over the past few years my own heart’s responses to geomagnetic activity – i don’t have to look at the charts to know when the highest solar activity is occurring – my heart physically changes its beat during the time of highest activity – i’ve had this confirmed with several medical tests, including the wearing of monitors for extended periods and tracking the geomagnetic activity at the same time – there is absolutely nothing mechanically or otherwise amiss with my heart – it simply is very very sensitive to – in tune with – the universe – but i think we each are very sensitive and in tune – it’s a matter of “fine tuning” those things – becoming aware – knowing one’s own heart in the literal and figurative sense – knowing our bodies listening to them – listening to our spirits and to our spirit guides – it’s all there – just more developed in some – but there in all of us – waiting for us to tap into its power –

  6. Lauren Raine says:

    Thanks again to Debra, and to the Macgregors, for this post and discussion. It’s funny,
    yesterday I was watching Avatar, and thinking about the message Cameron has communicated with his tribal “Navi”, and their relationship to Tewa, their “Anima Mundi”. As the shamaness figure says to the hero at the beginning “We will see if we can cure you of your insanity”. As we increasingly understand the truth of our utterly interconnected reality, perhaps the new “sanity” will be one that returns to and re-examines much older ways of being.

    I think what you touch on here is so very important……”It seems that there is no future if humans completely cut themselves off from this “living field”……….so well said. I have always loved the word “numinous”, meaning the living sense of “spirit of place”. The first Roman gods and goddesses were called “numen”, and weren’t necessarilly personified, rather, they were spirits that were felt to inhabit a particular place, be it a stream, orchard, cave, etc. Offerings were made to them to establish “friendly” relationships with place. This sense of “geomantic reciprocity” is found throughout most, if not all, traditional cultures, a perceived relationship and interaction with a living community of place, visible and invisible. As civilization has become increasingly complex, this “immediacy” has become lost.

    I think you make a profound comment in asking, now that we have become a global civilization through our communication technology, whether the field has expanded now to include the whole world.

    • R and T says:

      Love your take on this, Lauren. Planetary empaths may be like that stream, that orchard or cave, so intricately bound to the planet that they feel what Gaia feels. I hope the field is expanding globally.

      • friend of nica says:

        lauren – i love that you mention the spirits that may inhabit a place [ie, stream, orchard or cave] – especially intriguing to me since i mention many times when i am writing my poetry the “ancient voices from the cave” – they are the often the ones whose words i write when i am writing of the past and the future in terms of passage and transition –

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