Synchro waves…

Alexis Brooks is an author of self-help/New Age books and host of Conscious Inquiry Radio. Alexis interviewed us for her show recently, and you can hear that interview here. We had a great time talking with Alexis. She’s very knowledgeable and it’s always great to talk about this ‘weird’ stuff with someone who understands and doesn’t think it’s weird at all. In other words, we were on the same wave length.

Before the interview, she had read The Synchronicity Highway, which inspired her to write a blog post. We’re posting an excerpt  below, and you can read the entire post here.


In Trish and Rob MacGregor’s excellent new book, The Synchronicity Highway, they say, “…your guidance system lies in your awareness, curiosity, feelings, intentions, and beliefs.  It lies within.  Once you trust that inner guidance, synchronicities seem to pop-up everywhere.  They are signposts, friends, allies that guide and direct you, warn you, clarify and confirm your decisions, laugh at you and with you.”

It seems to me that if there were any time in history where this ally is greatly needed, it is now.  Synchronicity is still one of those less understood and yet persistent anomalies that we’ve all encountered at one time or another.  We’d have occasional coincidences – acknowledge them and invariably shrug them off.  They’d just pop into view or earshot and show themselves just enough to give us a chuckle or a “hmm, interesting.”

For those who have a sneaking suspicion that there’s more to synchronicity than meets the (mind’s) eye, my suggestion is that we consider taking their presence just a bit more seriously.  In fact, why not enter into an agreement with the Universe to commit to seeing them more often and then utilizing them to navigate this rollercoaster ride?

The point:  We do have a guidance system, an inner GPS if you will, that if yielded will guide us, and without the necessary DVD upgrades to boot.  It doesn’t falter or fail – it just gives information and I truly sense it has our best interest at heart.  Its only caveat?  Pay attention!  So even though the roller coaster of life has managed to build an infrastructure with increasingly more dips and curves, perhaps the purpose is to get us to take it on in order to tame it, to ride it through and to change the course altogether…”hmm, interesting!!”

The Current Times

I’ve always found it intriguing how the English language tends to have multiple definitions and yet a singular and fundamental connection.  Take the word “current.”  In one definition, current denotes a time of now, of present – our current situation.  But current also means, flow – something that moves, that is agile and not resistant to change.  What current are you experiencing?  Are you flowing with it or against it?  Might the presence of synchronicity (once recognized) be your compass to navigate the current with more agility?  It’s something to contemplate for sure!  And once you do?

All of reality becomes meaningful…

Getting back to the MacGregor’s book in which they beautifully illustrate how synchronicity is key to understanding the myriad ways the Universe works to communicate with us, let’s talk about 11!  What is it?  Why is it? And more importantly what about its presence as it relates to the current times?

Here is an excerpt from their book, Synchronicity Highway that might give us a clue:

“Carl Jung considered numbers to be archetypal and believed that when you experience clusters of a particular number, it has become active within your psyche.  It apparently stays active until you get the message.  The message of 11:11 seems to be about evolution of consciousness, that you’re being ushered into a greater reality, the flow (yes – the current!) of universal energy.  It can also act as a warning and as confirmation.”

It appears that these current times are critical – monumental in fact.  And the thousands, no – millions who are and have been experiencing the 11’s on a regular basis are indicative of the fact that our current times are nudging us to graduate to a level of consciousness that will ironically release the lock-hold of finite potential and open the doors to in-finite reality – a reality that will imbue us with the realization that we are not mortal (mediocre, average, everyday) humans but immortal (infinite, extraordinary, creative) spiritual energy, and once set free ( and recognize this through synchronicity), we will fly!


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9 Responses to Synchro waves…

  1. lauren raine says:

    Beautiful article, thanks for posting. Yes, I often feel that synchronicities are “road signs”, even if I don’t know why. Recently I had a referall for a medical procedure that I was unsure of whether I wanted to do. Then I noticed that it was written on 9-11, and the referall ended on 11-11, and thought “oh, guess I’ll go for it!”. It’s been a very good decision.

  2. Darren B says:

    Wow,this lady is truly on the ball,I think…from what I have heard and seen of her work so far-
    I even have a plaque with the words “Life is a journey,not a destination” Emerson ” hanging above my head here because this has been shown to me in so many synchronistic ways and metaphors,not counting seeing Ben Stiller’s recent movie
    “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (scraping off the corny bits,that is).

  3. Nancy says:

    I’ve been seeing 11:11 constantly. Also 333, 444, & 555. One day they were all in a row – every time I looked up it was a succession of numbers. I was being nudged to pay attention, for sure.

  4. That GPS you mention seems to be partly driven by intuition – or the gut feelings we sometimes experience. As with most things – including synchronicity – the more attention and interest we give the subject the more it cooperates with us.

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