Structures Over Water

Bridges have been in the news quite a bit in the last few days and weeks. First, there’s Bridgegatein New Jersey. The governor of that state, Chris Christie, is allegedly responsible for closing down traffic lanes on the George Washington Bridge, the busiest in the U.S. as political retaliation against the Mayor of Fort Lee for not endorsing him for governor.

The bridge was tied up for several days,  creating a traffic nightmare for commuters between Fort Lee, New Jersey and New York. New allegations surface daily and Christie has his hands full denying all of it. At least 20 subpoenas have been issued, and there’s talk that the scandal has damaged Christie’s shot at the white house in 2016. It’s going to be interesting to see how this all unfolds.

I had just finished reading the updates on the Christie scandal and then Rob and I sat down to dinner and turned on the local news to NBC Miami. One of the stories was about a bridge – that was the first word I heard, but it was actually a deck – that collapsed at a building in Bay Harbor Island.

Twenty people were gathered on the deck for a commemoration ceremony for a friend who had recently died from cancer. They were tossing flowers into the water when the bridge suddenly collapsed, and all of them fell into the water. Two of them suffered minor injuries and were sent to a local hospital.

I was struck by the trickster element in this story – a memorial commemoration for a friend and the deck collapses, a kind of punctuation point to the man’s life. But a deck, like a bridge, is also a structure over water. While the George Washington Bridge didn’t collapse, Christie’s political ambitions may have. These two things don’t qualify as a cluster of synchros, but I’m on the lookout for a third.

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10 Responses to Structures Over Water

  1. We’ve had a few bridges breached and damaged in the UK this year because of exceptional high tides and storms – but that doesn’t really link with your post! Lots of photos of some of our storms on

  2. DJan says:

    I am not a fan of Christie, but I think he will survive all these allegations and go on to run against Hillary. But what do I know? I’m no political junkie, just an interested onlooker. 🙂

  3. gypsy says:

    one of the things about the christie bridge deal is that the woman who apparently sent the email saying that there needed to be a traffic problem is named “bridget” –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Oh wow, how did I miss that one?! Thanks, Gypsy.

      • gypsy says:

        this has nothing to do with christie but i don’t want to forget to mention it – my daughter kimberly is housesitting for her son while he is deployed to the mideast – his home is in maryland very near the bay – the other day she was driving back toward the house and just as she topped a hill there, in the air in front of her was a huge helicopter – very very low – she said it was like scenes from a movie – you know, driving and topping a hill into the face of a chopper – in any event, it frightened her enough that she did an internet search when she got home – just google nsa helicopter baltimore and look at what pops up – now, where’s jesse ventura when you need him! 😉

  4. Darren B says:

    I saw the movie “Inside Llewyn Davis” last night and the George Washington Bridge is mentioned in the film,because Llewyn Davis’s music partner committed suicide by jumping off it.It is also mentioned in this trailer –
    Also in the Aussie news there was a story about a huge crack that has appeared in a bridge that has a bit of a tragic past.

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