Bears Out

The other day daughter Megan was telling us about her night out in downtown Orlando where she lives. Besides her Paint Nite  job as ‘master artist’ that’s actually her job title—and her dog-walking business, she and a couple of friends like to dress in bear costumes and go to the downtown bars. They dance and frolic about, pose for pictures with tourists (who probably think the bears are a night-time extension of Disney World), and sometimes get free drinks and substantial tips.

But the other night something somewhat disturbing happened. It was late and some people had too much to drink and suddenly, for no apparent reason, they started pushing the bears— ‘No bears allowed here!’ — and Megan was knocked off her feet. She was okay, and one of the men apologized when he discovered a girl was inside the costume. The bears moved on to avoid any further troubles, and called it a night. She still likes the bear costume gig, but now she’s a bit more wary about doing it.

After we hung up, I turned back to the web page I was reading. It was dense copy, an article with several hundred words showing on the screen. But my gaze zeroed in to a phrase in the middle of the page. It took a moment to register why those words held my attention. The phrase was ‘bears out,’ as in something that bears out.

Of course, bears out, I thought. A synchro. I had just heard a story of what happened when the bears were out. It’s a little one, nothing earth shaking, but the type of synchro that seem to occur daily…if I keep my eyes open. After all, awareness is a big part of synchronicity. Sometimes they’re easy to miss. They pass right by untouched, unconsidered.

Like the story of the deputy chief of staff for Chris Christie who ordered the now infamous bridge closing in New Jersey. Bridget Kelly. Bridge it! I didn’t see it until Gypsy mentioned it in a comment here recently. Duh, how did I miss that? Bridget Kelly meet Anthony Weiner. You two have something in common! – Rob


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5 Responses to Bears Out

  1. Shadow says:

    yeah, those little things are around us everyday…

  2. Darren B says:

    A blogger named Juha Saari pointed out the use of sexually suggestive bears in the toy store scene of Kubrick’s movie “Eyes Wide Shut”,which prompted me to do a post on it –
    Kubrick also uses bears a lot in “The Shining”.

  3. I think you are right about how awareness brings synchros but often when these ‘little’ examples come along they seem to be while we are thinking about something else. As with visualisation, whatever it is comes to fruition after we have forgotten the thought and moved on to something completely different.

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