
After a dry spell during many months of 2013 when we had to dig into our savings, we’ve suddenly been inundated with offers of new writing projects—ghost-writing a novel, writing an astrology book, preparing the content for an astrology APP. It seems that something has turned in 2014, a breath of fresh air, an aura of abundance. Along with new projects came synchronicity, suggesting we were on the right path, that these projects would keep us going while even bigger things are percolating.  Here’s one such example.

I took a break from working on the astrology book proposal, went to the bank and was standing in line, when it happened. As I waited, the astrology stuff still on my mind, I heard someone say Sagittarius. I looked over to my right and saw three bankers, including one I knew as the bank’s vice president, chatting about their astrology signs. To my surprise, the three carried on quite awhile, noting the traits of their signs and seemingly accepting them as true. I stared, somewhat amazed. Bankers talking about astrology, and not in hushed voices or with any cynicism.

Then I was called to the window and I heard no more astro-talk. I thought it was interesting that it wasn’t the tellers talking among themselves, but the bankers – the professional money people –  ones I wouldn’t associate with astrology chatter.

But polls have consistently shown that 25% of the American population accept astrology. That, in spite of all the efforts over the decades by mainstream scientists and educators to debunk astrology. Twenty-five percent is more than 75 million people…and some of them are bankers.

I saw the brief experience as a perfect synchro for the day, for the month, for the year. I was thinking about astrology – an inner event – when the bankers began talking about the same subject – an outer event. The two came together, outside of cause and effect, and it was truly a meaningful coincidence. The bankers symbolize money, of course. (That’s why I added their sign to the astrological signs for the image above.) And that symbolism bodes well for the new year.


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10 Responses to Astro-bankers

  1. Wow. How did I miss this post? Easily, I’ve been really busy with all my stuff but I came here looking for one of your posts to reference on my blog and read this one. And I had to laugh and love the synchronicity.

    I know from personal experience working with these staid and reclusive business professionals that they are a huge part of your audience. Be Aware that there is still a class distinction garnered by income levels but there are many in the upper levels who have the disposable income and quest for knowledge that also have your books on their readers.

    Do not underestimate what you do, or how you do it. But, consider that your audience includes leaders who are proactive for the evolution of the American society. There are teachers at Catholic Girl’s Academies in Ohio that defiantly drink their afternoon tea from a cup and saucer featuring astrological glyphs. There are whole communities of highly educated professionals – that have witnessed UFO’s. The truth will come out.

    You’re doing it GOOD.

  2. Nancy says:

    2014 is going to be a full of surprises from what I can surmise from a variety of sources.

    My husband finally decided to retire next month. As soon as he did, an old friend asked him to be part of a new business venture. It would include expensive flying cameras, travel, and fun. But nothing certain in terms of money. He has always been very careful about work that is for other companies that include regular paychecks and benefits. This will be the first time he will step into what Pema Chodron calls ‘the places that scare you.’ As soon as the decision was made, two different headhunters called him about lucrative positions in companies that really want him to apply. One in Minnesota and one in North Carolina. I finally concluded that once you make a decision to travel a certain road, the Universe checks your commitment. Maybe it is commitment, or a focus of thought that begins the organizing creative process.

    You both have always been committed to your craft and to astrology. Maybe 2014 is when things begin to happen very quickly when you are focused on something. I guess we all better check where we are focusing our attention.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Fascinating about your husband’s offers, Nancy. It’s as if the universe ssaid, Really? You’re going to retire? Well, think about THIS and THAT…

      Focus seems to be key, doesn’t it?

      • Nancy says:

        This is exactly what seems to be happening. It is asking – “How much do you want to be free of the corporate noose – will more money change your mind?” After discussing it, we have decided to jump of the cliff and see what happens. It has certainly spurred me to write – nothing like a lack of a paycheck to make you creative, right?

  3. DJan says:

    Not only that, but it happened on the first day of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Horse! Happy New Year to you and yours! 🙂

  4. Sometimes such synchros and symbols can give us a personal positive boost, which in turn also makes ‘things’ happen and thus begins a stream of good happenings and events. Yes, it’s going to be a good 2014!!

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