News Media Coverage on UFO Sightings Worldwide

This You Tube video is impressive. It’s a compilation of news media reports on UFO sightings worldwide in the last year or so. Something certainly seems to be happening, but the details – the whys and whats – are anyone’s guess.




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34 Responses to News Media Coverage on UFO Sightings Worldwide

  1. Jen says:

    I asked a friend about this video and they sent me this link which is apparently the same guy confessing to it being a hoax…. obviously there are a lot of people out there thinking they are not the same guy, but here it is, none-the-less.

  2. Jen says:

    O.M.G. that just scared the crap right out of me! I do believe what he says about them possibly being extra-dimensional beings, and not ET’s… but I do hope they are not malevolent! Hard to say, but it freaks me out even more that I saw one of those triangular UFO’s hovering over the river near where I live… creepy. Wow. I have a weird feeling about this. :-s

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Nicholas, the 5 5 5 is also 15/6. That is the frequency most associated with anything and everything associated with ETs, UFOs, Extra-Terrestrials/Intra-Dimensioinals, etc.

  4. friend of nica says:

    oh, and the caller said exactly what the ventura show indicated with the internment camps –

  5. friend of nica says:

    just finished watching the video in its entirety – amazing!!!! however, the thing [whatever “it” is] that happened when i read the kundalini post happened again as i watched the video – only greater – and has left me with a crushing crushing headache –

  6. The light shows are interesting. The one over the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is interesting. What if this is a spiritual event, rather than an extra-terrestrial one?

    The “ring” in Moscow is scary to me because it looks like a scene out of “Independence Day” (that 1996 movie). I think UFOs came out of “clouds” like that and hovered over cities around the world. When CJ talks about wanting to detect a pattern to these sightings, it makes me think of “Independence Day” as well as “Signs.” Of course this is all scary stuff, because we have no idea if these beings are hostile and setting up the planet for some kind of catastrophe or inter-galactic war (especially if they are after our natural resources, as the “V” series hints at). And of course that these seem to be increasing as we get closer to the 2012 date just adds more concern to what this all can mean.

    Personally, I’m hoping the strange lights are more spiritual in nature than extra-terrestrial. At the recent 2012 lecture I attended, the guy mentioned that a portal was opening and the true date to watch out for is May 5, 2012, which interestingly breaks down to 5 5 5 in numerology, with 5 being the number of big changes and risk taking.

    • R and T says:

      I just read something about that may 5 date today, on a blog somewhere. Now I’ll have to go looking for it!

      • If you find it, please let me know so I can read it. I never heard about it before and the guy who mentioned it seemed kind of hokey to me. He had everyone do a couple rituals that seemed silly to me, and then mentioned a two-day immersion program next weekend for the bargain price of $495 to learn sacred rituals to protect you in 2012. Sounds like a money-making scam to me.

  7. Okay…so I’ve watched this twice so far…freaks me out. I like the compilation of videos…just wish they wouldn’t embellish it with the dramatic music in the background. It’s scary enough just viewing the sightings. Thanks for finding this…it really puts into perspective of just how many of these sightings there have been. When you hear of one occasionally it doesn’t seem as intense as when you’re able to see the many that are reported in other places, that we don’t see broadcast here in the US. Freaks me out.

  8. mathaddict3322 says:

    A womb, yes. Watching it grow from a rather narrow light into a gradually increasing ovoid shape, and then it squeezes together and seems to push that what-ever-it-is emerging from its end? Similar to the birth of a child, or baby spiders from the webbed “nest” of a spider’s lair. Oh geez it makes me shudder and cringe to watch it and consider what it might be!

    • R and T says:

      I watched that art bell sequence again. Either the caller is a terrific actor or it’s real. If real, it does coincide, as nancy noted, with some of what the empaths have been picking up.

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    That “expanding” white ‘whatever’ in the sky has the appearance of an expanding “womb”. That tends ot be more than a little bit frightening, when we think about it. And the caller to the Art Bell show….wonder if it was a set-up, or a prep for what is to come, or if it truly was a terrified person running for his life. I find myself wondering if someone who is THAT terrified and hysterical, who knows he’s being tracked, would stop and take the time to make such a call? Anyone else have an idea about that? I know Clarke C. McClelland personally, (the former NASA ground astronaut),worked with him as his ghost writer for a couple of years, and I can tell you
    from that experience that the gov’t doesn’t play around with these folks who have first-hand knowledge. NASA has literally ruined Clarke’s life in every way and has succeeded in making the world believe he’s a crazy crackpot. They did that, instead of making him mysteriously vanish. Lots to think about, guys.

  10. Nancy Pickard says:

    Whoa! The Norway spirals and the Moscow circle are. . .what?

  11. mathaddict3322 says:

    Quick comment: browsing my normal sites this morning, I’ve watched The Dot shift through its colors to become what is now a glowing bright RED. It is 10:35am, EDT, 4-22-2011. Just making a note of that redness. Regarding the UFOs….who would be sufficiently out of touch with reality to try to deny that these sightings, (by literally thousands upon thousands of persons all over the globe, and many of these persons are highly credible), are indeed legitimate. There’s much I can say, but won’t. One remark I do want to make is that the black helos are defintiely “around”. Those who know me understand what I’m saying, and that I’m not attempting to be mysterious or coy. Regarding all these sightings, we must consdier the possibility that they, whomever they are, are probably opening portals around this planet, probably in strategic locations. If I had the adequate equipment to do it, I would attempt to create a matrix, or some type of geographical architectural design, to determine the PATTERN. Because in my mind, there has to be pattern evolving in these sightings and appearances. If one could take a pencil, a protractor, a compass, and follow these sightings that circle the planet, I have not a single doubt that a mathematical/geometric pattern would emerge. Not because I’m a mathematician, which I am, but because intuitively I know without a doubt there there is an intelligence guiding these sightings and that they are not randomly appearing. I’m itching to somehow get my hands on a list of the latitudes and longitudes of these increasing appearances…..then create a tangible diagram and see what emerges.

  12. Nancy says:

    I was watching an archived show – and I’m not sure how it came up, but some reference was to the camps being built for internment around the US – they could mean FEMA camps.

  13. Nancy says:

    There was reference on Coast to Coast yesterday about what appears to be internment camps being built in locations around the US. Do you know anything about that?

    • R and T says:

      I didn’t hear the show. But if I remember correctly, this was something that circulated during the Bush years – FEMA internment camps. camps. I’ll have to look up the coast to coast show yesterday. Do you remember who the guest was?

      • friend of nica says:

        oh, yes! i’ve mentioned the internment camps several times, remember? jesse ventura did an incredible show on them some time ago – trish, i think i sent you notes about it??? – will check my emails – anyway, he took his crew to one in particular where there were also stored thousands and thousands of plastic body boxes – just google his name and internment or concentration camps – and you’ll find links –

  14. Nancy says:

    Wow!! That last bit of news with Art Bell doesn’t sound encouraging. It also parallels all of the empaths and their dreams about black military helicopters…

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