Positive Side of Merc Retro

from DeviantArt

This has been an odd Mercury retrograde – Internet problems, communication snafus of various types, electronic challenges. But in the midst of  it, we recognized three positive incidents that are worth mentioning.

The first one involved our homeowner’s insurance policy. We got the bill the other day and balked that it had nearly doubled since 2008. Nearly doubled despite the fact that we haven’t had a hurricane since 2005, haven’t filed a single claim, and that the value of our house, like most others in our areas, has decreased.  So I called the insurance guy find a way to lower the bill. After several days of playing phone tag, he called back and was able to cut the price by $700. This one fits, I think, under that type of Merc retro where an issue is revisited.

Then our cell carrier bill arrived for the two lines we have with this company, mine and Megan’s. It was over $400 and the bulk of it was text messaging. Well, two months ago, I had called the carrier after another such bill and requested unlimited text messaging. Judging by the current bill, the request hadn’t been included. So I called, explained the situation. The young man who assisted me seemed confused about something, put me on hold for a bit, then came back on and informed me we had a large credit because we had overpaid on a bill two months ago.  He also corrected the text messaging snafu. The upshot? A credit of $365. So two calls and perhaps 30 minutes of my time saved us over a thousand bucks.

The third incident involved Ghost Key, the sequel to Esperanza. I’ve spent most of the retrograde revising the book according to my agent’s suggestions.  I emailed him another revision, and he green lighted it and told me to send it on, finally, to my editor.   I emailed my editor and told her I would be sending it after the April 23 – that’s Saturday – when Mercury turns direct. She said that was best, her retrograde has had its share of snafus.

So, may all Mercury retrogrades for everyone hold some unexpected treasures!


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20 Responses to Positive Side of Merc Retro

  1. DJan says:

    I decided to buy myself one of those new iPads and went off to the local store to buy one. (My brother has one, my niece as well, and they both love them.) They are not in stock and needed to be ordered directly from Apple, with a three-week wait, making the ship date April 29. I was kind of happy to see that it wouldn’t come into my life until after the merc retro, as I’ve been following along here and not wanting to make a major purchase until afterwards. The charge is still not on my card, so I’m counting it as a good thing!

  2. Darren B says:

    Just to go off topic for a moment.
    I was looking at upcoming movie trailers,and one that caught my attention was this one ;”Dolphin Tale”


    Synopsis;”Dolphin Tale” is inspired by the remarkable true story of a courageous dolphin named Winter and the compassionate people who banded together to save her life.

    I knew how much the people who view this blog like dolphin stories,and since the blurb said “released in theaters September 23″(my birthday),I thought it was a sign to check it out and pass it on to your reader’s.

    Cheers / Daz

  3. Glad you’re making out good on this one ( and I mean this sincerely)….I’m counting the days until the 23rd! My appliance guy is due here tomorrow for the clothes dryer…he’s one of these guys that actually talks to the machines. A like-minded super appliance guy…can’t wait to hear what he has to say about this merc retro.

    • R and T says:

      I feel your pain! We had a merc retro last year where a hot water heater and a washing machine went out. This one hasn’t exactly been free of snafus by any means, but hey, I was trying to find something positive!

  4. Nancy Pickard says:

    Nice, nice, & nice! My Merc retro has been rife with gadget and time mishaps, but they all turned out okay. One day it seemed as if everything I touched stopped working, but none of it lasted very long. As for revisiting, I’m revisiting Carl Jung in a major way that is deepening my grasp of his ideas.

  5. friend of nica says:

    well, great for all of you with the positives! i’m trying not to turn green from reading yours as my own retro fiascos continue STILL! 😉

    cj – still another parallel, lady – i had almost the same identical situation with a major surgery some years ago – anesthesiologist issue – a very negative attitude which was vocalized right before i was to be put under – so i told him i didn’t think he was the right dr for me and he could leave the OR – my own dr/friend then called in the anesthesiologist who had done his [my dr’s] surgery a few weeks prior – oh, and when this guy came strolling in with my dr/friend, he was singin’ a kenny rogers song – yeah, he was my kinda dr!!! 😉
    smooth sailin’ from there on!

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Yes, it absolutely turned out extremely well for me. But….if I’d ignored the awareness of the affects of mercury retro, I may have had significantly different outcomes! 🙂

  7. whipwarrior says:

    I didn’t have any problems during the retrograde. In fact, I finally completed Euro-styling my car (which turned out even more awesome than I’d hoped for), and my graphic artist finished the spectacular artwork for Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis—a wraparound digital book jacket which I designed myself, that rivals *anything* Drew Struzan has ever painted and, yes, it is even better than the official computer game box art!

    I hope everyone has enjoyed such good fortune as I have during these past couple of weeks! 🙂

  8. Good to hear the positive. About the insurance: don’t you have US comparison websites that compare premiums from all the main companies? In the UK I save a lot using these every year for the likes of car and house insurances.

    • R and T says:

      Yes, we do and the company we’re using now is the least expensive for our area. Do they required homeowner;’s insurance in the UK if you hold a mortgage?

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    Great to hear a positive for ole retro merc! Mine hasn’t been so fortunate, as you know. Was scheduled for surgery on 4-5, and the bridges to the Mainland were closed due to the high winds and we were unable to leave the island to get to the big city. Surgery was re-scheduled for day before yesterday, 4-19. Got there, was being prepped, anesthesiologist had an issue with the medication my cardiologist had ordered, (per my surgeon’s request), and I refused to sign the release allowing the anesthesiologist to give me meds not approved for me by my cardiologist. No surgery that day. Told hubby during the drive home that one of two things was happening: either the “timing” was wrong, or the “surgeon” wasn’t the right one for me. All this time I’m thinking “ole Merc retro, I hear ya screaming messages to me!” Got home, phoned my cardiologist. He said I absolutely did the right thing; he was pretty disturbed by the anesthesiologist’s refusal to accept his orders, particularly considering that he (my cardiologist) is Director of Cardiology at a HUGE Jacksonville hospital, altho he is quite humble and yet not at all egotistical, but….he knows the conidtion of my heart and ordered the meds he deemed safe for me. So, this retro merc snafu ended by my wonderful cardiologist making an appt for me with his OWN surgeon, with whom I now have an appt for exam and consultation and ultimately will schedule the surgery….with the over-seeing of my trusted cardiologist. In the meanwhile, ole merc will turn direct. WHEW! No telling what kinds of complications I escaped by listening to my intuition and by my awareness of the effects of Mecury Retrograde! Congrats of your money-saving experiences, guys! Way to go! Yee Ha!

  10. terripatrick says:

    I’ve had a few positive mercury retro events as well but I am really looking forward to Saturday. 🙂

  11. Natalie says:

    Well that makes one of us! Good for you. 🙂

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