Magic at Play in the Fields

In the world of so-called mysteries of the unknown, crop circles tend to be a black-and-white matter. In fact, many people would not even call crop circles a mystery of the unknown, because they know that they are made by humans – crop circle artists. After all, it’s been well documented.

Then there are the believers, those who are convinced that some crop circles – the most majestic ones – are made by paranormal forces – whatever they might be. Those folks tend to call the man-made circles ‘crap circles.’

That has been the primary points of view for years. The non-believers say there is no reason to believe any other-worldly phenomena is taking place. Speculation about aliens or paranormal materializations is nonsensical. End of story.

Meanwhile, the believers point out that the most impressive crop circles – the larger ones with intricate details that literally appear out of nowhere, and often manifest in a small window of time – aren’t made by man. There aren’t any human tracks  left behind, and the designs are too complex to create in the middle of the night. Besides, balls of light have been seen moving over the fields where such circles have appeared. They’ve even been video-taped, ie. documented.

Now comes a confession of sorts by a  crop circle maker, one of a group of fellow artists who have been ‘working’ the fields in England for years. Mathew Williams is best known as the first crop circle artist convicted in the UK for violating a new law that criminalizes crop-circle making. He was fined the equivalent of $200. However, he now confesses to more than damaging crops with his artistic endeavors. There’s something else that’s he’s been talking about.

In an article in the Daily Express, Williams admits there are other forces – besides humans – at work in the fields creating the designs. He made the comment while being interviewed for the newspaper about the paucity of crop circles during the 2013 season. He was supposed to talk about the effect of the new law. But he drifted into uncharted territory – at least for circle makers. He says he has evidence that the more elaborate designs are the product of paranormal activity.

“I’ve seen small balls of light which have entered the field and chased us out on one occasion. I’ve seen them passing overhead,” Williams said. (His comments on the subject were recently re-published in Open Minds Magazine as part of a cover story on crop circles.)

Williams also noted that when he and his friends make large talismanic magical symbols, strange things happen. “On two occasions we’ve also seen black, shadowy figures. Not as clear as a person, a little more rounded but a human shape. There are so many things like that.” He added that somehow these symbols “actually have some effect on physical reality and strange things happen.”

Williams is not alone in his contentions that mysterious forces are at work in the fields of Wiltshire, the location of many of the UK’s crop circles. “All of us are very different but strangely enough, whatever angle you come into crop circles from, all the teams have had paranormal experiences while making them.”

So we wonder what the non-believers think now, when one of their own – an admitted and convicted crop circle artist – says the unthinkable, that non-human mechanisms are at play in the fields creating magic.

In the world of synchronicity, this feels like the Trickster at work. First of all, the human crop circle makers have served as tricksters with a small ‘t’,  attempting to fool us into thinking that something other than human is at play. But now that the human artists have been exposed – and even prosecuted – they are admitting that they are as puzzled by the phenomenon as anyone else. Maybe even more so.

And in the background, the Trickster is laughing. So you think you’ve got the answers about crop circles? Well, think again. It’s not all that black-and-white.

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14 Responses to Magic at Play in the Fields

  1. lauren raine says:

    Having attended Glastonbury Symposium, and several presentations by long time researcher Freddy Silva, as well as visiting several crop circles myself in 2011, I just can’t pass this one up!

    Yes, many have been made by humans – but there are many that simply defy explanation as to how they can have been created. As Silva and other serious researchers have documented, there are all kinds of geo magnetic and electrical anomylies associated with “genuine crop circles”, as well as documentation of their having been created within minutes.

    The Salisbury plain in Wiltshire, home of Stonehenge, Avebury, Silbury Hill, etc.,
    is an ancient, ancient sacred landscape – in terms of geo magnetic qualities, it is absolutely a powerful place, which the ancients knew and understood for it’s unique abilities to affect life and consciousness. Many dowsers and people who investigate earth energies feel that there is good reason why the original crop circle makers chose this area.

    last, the symbols, many, are profound sacred symbols from around the world. Those, whether made to communicate spiritual truths by artists or the paranormal, are still beautiful, and true.

  2. Erica Tuinstra says:

    for those really interested in crop circles I recommend reading Colin Andrews
    ON THE EDGE of REALITY and drop by


  3. blah blah says:

    but actually Geeeee,, magnetic fields,,, it’s probably more complicated trying to get to extreme ocean depths…….

  4. blah blah says:

    crap circles,, “now” there’s a sicky, mean synchro,,,

  5. Interesting that Williams said that – in the Daily Mail in 2013:

    Former crop circlemaker Matthew Williams – who has given up his hobby because he suffers from hayfever – said the lack of competition is driving down standards.

    He said: ‘The problem is that the best croppies have retired or gone onto something new, so there isn’t any competition any more.

    ‘They’re all creative types, and without any friendly rivalry, many just can’t be bothered.

    ‘All the best crop circles from the last few years have been made by only a handful of people, and they’ve all hung up their wooden board now and moved onto pastures new.’

    • Sheila Joshi says:

      That’s interesting, Mike. The end of an era?

      I wonder why crop circles are most common in England? And is it the man-made ones and/or the paranormal ones that occur more in England than anywhere else in the world?

      Also, what Williams said reminds me of how professional magicians often say that they have things occur on stage that were truly anomalous.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Off remark by Williams….every single crop single from the past few years has been made by people?!

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