That 47 Percent

Synchronicities involving numbers are always interesting. Our friend Sansego sent us this one:

Today’s featured Wikipedia article is Mitt Romney. I didn’t know that it was his birthday today – March 12 – (the same day as Jack Kerouac) or that Romney was born in 1947.

The synchro on “47” hit me right away because political scientists consider his comments about the 47% who would never vote for him to be the thing that doomed / sank his presidential chances. Of course, he ended up with 47% of the vote anyway.

Even more interesting, 1847 was the year that the Mormon pioneers – Romney’s ancestors –  made the wagon train voyage from Independence MO to what is now Salt Lake City, UT.

And when Romney was 47 years old – in 1994 –  he first ran for political office in a race against Senator Ted Kennedy, giving the iconic Senator a real competitor for the first time in his long career.

And on that note, happy spring equinox!

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8 Responses to That 47 Percent

  1. DJan says:

    That’s a great synchro, especially the I Ching hexagram! Happy Spring Equinox to you, too. 🙂

  2. gypsy says:

    love the no water in the lake…

  3. All I remember about Mitt Romney are the gaffes he made in a visit to the UK prior to the 2012 Olympics.

  4. #47 in I Ching is Exhaustion, “No water in the lake.” . . . just saying . . .

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