Two Odd Videos

The first video went up originally in 2008, but according to Strieber’s site, has been removed and put back up again several times. The interesting footage is around 1:26 the way in and again at 4:25.  It looks like some sort of inter-dimensional phenomenon, but hey, who knows? It could be a photo shop deal, too. Nonetheless…here’s the first.



Then here’s the second, a supposed missile launched at a UFO over Japan.

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44 Responses to Two Odd Videos

  1. Natalie says:

    Natalie is commenting here instead ~ ner ner ni ner ner!!!!! Trump is disgusting. There!

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    There seem to be so many different types of “sightings” that are on-going all over the planet. Obviously many of them have natural explanations. But many of them do not, and are simply mind-boggling. Does anyone besides me ever just sit and contemplate the possibility that there could be literally dozens, or even hundreds, of species of entities who may be coming in and out of dimensional portals…that this may have been happening for eons, but that now our technology has finally reached a point where we are able to “catch” these visitors on films, etc, and perceive them in one way or another? Or, that we have quite literally punched “holes” in the atmosphere with all our pollution and also our shuttles and satellites and rockets, and the entities are surging through these holes, going and coming visibly? Something intrinsically enormous has altered what we used to consider “reality”, and “reality” is expanding at such a rapid rate that it’s almost impossioble to keep up with the shifts, which include the presence of entities who have always been around but who only more recently have become visible. For me, the shutting down of SETI is by and large the most significant clue to the presence of other-dimensional entities, whether they come from off this planet or from dimensions that are not our third dimension. SETI achieved its goal, contact has been made, so it no longer needs to invest funds in searching for non-human, other-dimensional “life”. I continue to be astonished at the TIMING of the SETI shut-down. For me, personally, this act in and of itself speaks volumes about what is happening every day around this planet. They know we are definitely “not alone”. Turning off the SETI dishes is probably part of the disclosure methods that are in the works. Very exciting.

  3. Natalie says:

    I have trouble with everything for weeks now. SOOOOOO slow to load anything.

    In the first clip….. the place is Molda? home of Moldavite I am guessing? Plenty of activity there then.
    The second one~ I am thinking the commentary went something like this :
    “What the F**K!!!”

  4. Darren B says:

    Just to get off topic for one comment.
    I was wondering if the regulars here have trouble loading this site on to their computers.I got hit by some malicious viruses a few weeks ago,but managed to (or so my anti-virus said) clear them off my computer.But,since then every time I try to load up this blog,it takes minutes,not seconds…and I know it use to take only seconds,once.
    It’s only this site that gives me trouble.I just wondered if anybody else out there was having the same problem,or if it’s just my computer.
    Cheers /Daz

  5. I have to go with Jen on the missile…it looks like it was deflected. But it did seem strange that the target just sat there…it could have pulled away. But the way it poofed out seemed to make it appear like it was destroyed. Loved the TLJ quote.

  6. Jen says:

    In the second video it looks to me like the UFO is deflecting the missile, or whatever it is. You can’t tell for sure because the recording cuts off, but it looks like it was heading strait towards it and then it sort of expanded and did nothing. Maybe it hit a force field?

    Just a theory. 🙂

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    Oh Gosh Guys, can I move in with you?? I do love Tommy Lee Jones!! Have heard the same things about him, however….that his characters in movies are similar to his off-screen personality. He’s quite brilliant….graduated with honors from the elite universities. The older he gets the better he gets, for this old woman! Different strokes for different folks, for sure. He isn’t at all traditionally good looking or handsome. But he DOES have some kind of magnetic charisma that is electrical, on and off screen. Didn’t care for MIB, but really liked SPACE COWBOYS, THE FUGITIVE, and I own a B-movie that was a box-office flop, “BROKEN VOWS, in which he plays a frustrated inner-city priest. I just watched it again a couple of days ago. OK. I got off-subject. Shouldn’t have mentioned TLJ!! Back on track now…..then, may go watch Broken Vows one more time! 😉

    • friend of nica says:

      oh, dear heavens, cj! not TLJ, toooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! me and you!!! but i think i may be saving myself/selves for several others – javier bardem, denzel washington, liam neeson and bad bad boy nicolas cage, for starters……..well, i mean as long as we create our worlds, right?

  8. whipwarrior says:

    “Fifteen hundred years ago, everybody *knew* the earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody *knew* the earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago you knew that people were alone on this planet. Imagine what you’ll know… tomorrow.”

    -Tommy Lee Jones, Men In Black

    • R and T says:

      Great quote, Whip. TLJ lives part of the year here where he plays polo – sort of. He owns the team and is on the field. When Megan was young and excited about seeing a movie star sitting a couple of rows behind her at a game, she found out that in person he plays the same crotchety character as he does on the screen.

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    When I saw the article on the AP news yesterday about shutting down the SETI satellites due to no more funding, and sent it to T & R, I was thinking about all these sightings and the thought just automatically popped in that the SETI folks no longer need to spend money in a search because “they”, whoever “they” are, have arrived en masse. Our son moved over the weekend to the country onto a five-acre piece of land with a fantastic open-sky view, and he’s the photographer. We will definitely be doing a great deal of sky-watching now, unimpeded by any reflected city lights! Night skies are filled with all kinds of totally weird stuff if folks have the patience to lay outside and watch. Some is just space trash. Some are satellites. Some are high-flying jets. Some…..woo woo things that go BUMP! in the night….or don’t…..because they travel silently.

  10. Nancy says:

    I have the definite feeling that discloser is very close. However, my first instinct when watching the first video is that it could be something dimensional, but also something having to do with earthly machinations. I think the major governments have been spending billions in very hi-tech weaponry. Do they know something we don’t?

    The second one seems very much like something being tested using Venus as a target. I have no doubt something BIG is afoot.

  11. mathaddict3322 says:

    Yep, Vicki, we’ve had those gigantic cargo planes coming over us very low in the sky, pretty much well under cruising altitude, and when they come they are not ascending but are flying level. My hubby is a plane buff and he calls these a C-140 (maybe C-130?) or something like that? HUGE, huge planes. Also small fighter jets flying in formation, and the quite large “radar planes” out of the base in Jax. We’re usually not in the flight patterns for low-flying BIG plane or military planes, just the small single and twin engine ones. By the time the big 0nes pass us flying east over the ocean, they’re already at cruising altitudes. But these are low, including the continuous flow of solid black unmarked helicopters coming and going all day. These used to come periodically, hover then leave. Now they come and stay awhile, circling for an hour or so, then depart. Something brewing. Too much activity for it to be normal. My research clinic in CA was on the airport complex there, and as previously mentioned I piloted single and twin engine craft, and although times have certainly changed as have the planes, some things don’t change. These drastically increasing fly-overs are definitely a massive change. Lots of activity in our downtown military district, too. Just plain weird. Been here almost 30 years and have never seen these kinds of goings-on, even after 9-11.

  12. Vicki D. says:

    Math, I too have noticed more military planes overhead here in NYC, and I was curious as to why that was.
    The videos were interesting, the first I’m skeptical about and the second I kept wondering why the missile seemed to be moving so slowly, and I also thought it was Venus.
    No matter what something is afoot!

  13. Such videos are always interesting. I wonder why, in the second video, the UFO didn’t bother to move away? It seemed a bit too static. Regardless, I hope people keep publishing their videos as some of them will be genuine. Sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish what is and what isn’t.

  14. mathaddict3322 says:

    Off-subject; just signed back onto computer after a little absence. The Dot is flaming RED now. Date and Time: 12noon EDT, Wednesday, 4-27-2011. I have been away from the computer for a little while doing chores. About fifteen or twenty minutes ago I began to cry for absolutely no reason; had a severe but brief dizzy spell; (I have vertigo with PD but not dizziness, there’s a big difference); am having a very difficult time being steady on my feet; was slightly nauseous; am now wanting to sob, no reason; right ear “popping”. Any other empaths feeling the symptoms? Something that hasn’t yet released or is in process of releasing. This feels right on top of me in terms of time, altho time is difficult to project. Something “heavy” somewhere. Big.

    • R and T says:

      Maybe you’re picking up the Tea Party quaking over the release of Obama’s long form birth certificate. Once again, it shows a lie can travel around the world many times before the truth catches up. Seriously, hope you’re feeling better, Math, and the release is nothing more serious than what I suggested. – R

      • friend of nica says:

        oh, whatever gods are holy, pleasseseeeeeeeeeee can this birther thing just STOP!!! were i obama, i would tell the whole world to just kiss my grits about this! and aside from the teabags [pun intended], there “the donald” dipping his 3 long hairs into the birther bash – now, we all know that man is way short on many things [vision being one – he can’t SEE what he looks like and fix it, with all his $$$??????] – well, i just can’t continue – don’t have the stomach for it!!! 😉

  15. mathaddict3322 says:

    What is most interesting to me is that the sightings that are currenty happening with increasing frequency all around the planet don’t appear to present the typical shape and/or form of the UFOs we’ve become accustomed to seeing for decades, even those folks who are abductees. Makes me wonder what’s really going on out there….if several different species of intra-dimensional or inter-dimensional or extra-terrestrial craft and entities have joined the party and are tipping their hats to say hello. The white-white geometric shaped UFO that Gyps witnessed twice recently is an example. What WAS that?

    These sightings have been pretty much ruled out as balloons, kites, human aircraft and/or missiles-rockets, etc, or astronomical incidents such as meteors, falling stars, comets. So that leaves us with what? Unidentified flying objects of some kind about which no one seems willing to offer an explanation. Just “we don’t know”. And shutting down the SETI satellite dishes so suddenly due to “lack of funding”….does this tie in with all these sightings? They’re here and in contact, so why continue to spend money on searching for them?

    One of the videos you recently posted showing these UFOs….can’t recall where this particular one appeared….looked exactly like the huge, perfectly round “cloud circle” that initially came over the top of the mountain in the movie Close Encounters and then morphed into the Mother Ship. But it also was identical to the perfectly round “cloud circle” that appeared over the cities in the movie Independence Day before TSHTF. Shivery chills and a lot of unanswered questions, whatever.

    Our little city has a quite large military district downtown, and we are a few miles south of the nuclear submarine base on the SE coast of GA. There has been an extremely unusual buzzing of various military planes and helicopters overhead in recent weeks. Maneuvers connected to the wars? Or something else?

    Also, curiously, our small town airport has just extended its previously very short runways to accomodate the comings and goings of the largest aircrafts. Why? Costs a fortune, and historically we don’t get those aircraft here and the airport wasn’t capable of bringing them in. So why NOW have we prepared to receive them?? Northrup-Grumman adjoins our airport…..yet even with that huge complex, the little airport has always been just that: little. So why suddenly such enormous expansion? Too much secrecy.

    • friend of nica says:

      well, i can only know what i only know – know what i mean? and i can tell you that i’ve no clue WHAT those pure white objects were/are – however i KNOW what i SAW – they were nothing at all like any objects i’ve seen before – or since – for one thing, there was their multi-dimensional shape – and their size, which was far smaller [or seemingly so, at least] – there one instant and gone another –

      interestingly, of the [several] ufos i have seen, the only one with which i suffered great fear was the large one that followed our bus back in the 60’s – following which were the MIBs – and which was followed by several other strange incidents of which i’ve not spoken – anyway, that ufo incident really was a step apart from others in many ways –

      but still, the thing of the increasing frequency of sightings – and of reportings – and even if one takes into account that as more and more people feel more comfortable reporting sightings, our awareness of sightings increases, it still does not match the sheer number of sightings – i hope that makes sense – i realize i may not have voiced accurately what i was attempting –

  16. friend of nica says:

    wow! and i would love to know what the news commentators were saying – what a sight that one was – and the one in japan – i wasn’t sure what happened with the missile and darn it! they stopped filming right at the last moment!

    regardless the validity of any one or two particular videos or images or whatever, the thing to me is that the number of sightings has become so overwhelming – “they” are everywhere – but some of us already knew that –

    • R and T says:

      A translation would’ve been good on both videos!

      • R and T says:

        I like the Russian one best and wish someone would come by with a summary of the commentary and interview. I did actually hear two words of English after the first clip. The news anchor called the reporter a ‘national correspondent.’ The Japanese one looked like a missile shot in the direction of Venus with a soap opera playing in the background. 😉 – R

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