Synchro from the Other Side

We’re not sure how we met Mike Clelland. But we used one of his synchros in 7 Secrets and he definitely has a thing about owls, an animal messenger we’ve written about several times. So the owl image here seems appropriate. Owls are often viewed as messengers between the world of the living and the dead.

We share many of Mike’s interests. When he sent the following synchro, we  knew it would be a good one. He calls it “synchro from the other side,” an apt title, for sure.


My friend Mac Tonnies died at only 34 years old in October of 2009. He was a prolific writer and had been working on a book at the time of his death.

It the weeks that followed, there was a lot of talk about the status of his final book. The story came out that there was a printed copy of the manuscript found on his desk. This document had final edits in Mac’s handwriting in the margins.

During my correspondence with Mac throughout 2009, I made it clear that I was eager to do a few illustrations for his book. Mac seemed delighted by my offer. I’ll add that he had been super supportive of my artwork since I started posting some of my drawings on-line. He would consistently comment on the cartoons, and I deeply appreciated his observant compliments.

I contacted Mac’s publisher to ask about the illustrations, it seemed that Mac had mentioned me and my offer to draw for the book, and I set about doing some initial sketches. Having a small role in Mac’s book was a profound honor, and I took the responsibility seriously.
On December first 2009, I got the text of Mac’s CRYPTOTERRASTRIALS book sent to me in a word document. I took it to the local copy shop, and they printed it up for me. I punched holes in the paper and put it in a 3-ring binder. At first I was a little intimidated to read it. There was something sacred, or maybe daunting about it.

A few days later I realized I needed to sit down and start reading.

I went through a sort of formal process. I made a cup of tea, got my reading glasses, turned the lamp on and sat on the couch. The binder was on the coffee table facing me. I opened the binder, turned to the very first page and just as I began looking at the opening words – I head a loud “click” from right next to me.

I looked over and my CD player had spontaneously ejected the cassette. It had done this all by itself.

That CD player is well over a decade old, and in all those years this has never happened. It seemed extremely odd. And I’m not kidding, it happened at the EXACT second that I read the very first words.


Mike adds that Mac was “ever the futurist, and this machine near my couch (the CD player) worked by using a laser beam. This was so perfect. Our last email was about a set of essays we had written at the same time in 2006. He wrote about playing with his cat using a laser pointer, and I had written about playing with my cat using a string. We both made the analogy of the UFO phenomenon and how it interacts with us. “

Here are additional links that add depth to this story.




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9 Responses to Synchro from the Other Side

  1. Darren B says:

    I read Mike’s blog all the time,I love it.
    And he’s doing some great work there,even if he doesn’t seem to think so.
    I thought my copy of CRYPTOTERRASTRIALS was going to arrive today,but it must be coming in the next batch.But I did get my copy of “The Twelfth Insight” and “Shamanic Journeying”,so at least I can start on them…soon.

  2. Natalie says:

    Still buddies even though a veil separates. 🙂

  3. Mike Clelland says:

    1) THere wasn’t any sort of significance tot he titles of the CDs in the cassette (the cassette holds 6 CD’s, and they weren’t related to Mac.

    2) There is a long essay on my BLOG where people ask about the CD cassette in the “comments” at the bottom.
    Linked here:

    > > > >

    3) The owl image was on an envelope that was sent to me by Mac’s mother. She sent me a book, and she purposely added the cute owl sticker because she knew I would like it. It was enormously sweet of her.

    4) If there was anything curious about the CD player, it might be that it had a laser beam on the inside. Mac wrote an essay about cats and laser beams and it paralleled an essay I wrote. THis set of essays was once a post here on SYNCHRO-SECRETS too.

    Linked Here:
    > > > >

    I miss Mac terribly.

  4. friend of nica says:

    totally agree with cj – what a meaningful event for mike – and i wondered the same thing about the particular tape that was ejected – whether it also carried any specific message/meaning – great other side story!

    and when cj mentioned “cocoon” i was reminded of the global ufo sightings video you posted the other day – there was one in particular to which i think cj referred as being womb-like/giving birth – that particular one reminded me of a cocoon – and i kept meaning to mention it as at the same time, i kept having flashbacks of scenes from the movie “cocoon” – anyway, just an aside –

  5. Great story. I was wondering too if there was any synchro with the tape title, contents etc. Loved ones are often with us especially, I feel, when they first move on.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    What a meaningful experience for Mike! It never ceases to amaze me, even after all these years, how Spirit entities are able to communicate with us, especially when they use electrical or mechanical means to get our attention. It seems that the more highly advanced a soul is in its evolution, the greater becomes its energy for contact. The profound powers of Will and Intent do not cease at the grave. Sometimes they seem to manifest with much greater intensity after dropping the fragile cocoon of the physical body. I wonder if the tape that was ejected from Mike’s CD player carried any significance in his experience, or if simply (tho not simple at all!) the fact of its ejection that was the message…..Mac saying, “Hello, friend Mike! Here I am right beside you! Let’s read this together!” What a beautiful and loving gift for Mike. Thank you for sharing.

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