The Monkey Dream Synchro


One of the blogs I visit frequently is Adelita Chirino’s Lita Dreaming. Adelita has studied under dream researcher and author Robert Moss and often posts about the connection between dreams and synchronicities. When I read about her monkey dream synchro, I asked if we could re-post it and she said sure.  It’s an intriguing story.


Sometimes I just curl up on the bed, surrounded by an assortment of dream journals and go on a quest. A question I’m pondering leads me to remember various dreams. I remember approximately when I had them and, because my journals are dated and pretty organized, I usually find what I’m looking for.

Then I cozy up with my book and read. So often I can’t believe what I’m reading; it’s a revelation I would have missed had I not written the dream down.

Another joy my journals afford me is a gallery of drawings and pictures I’ve made or collected that represent my dream images.

A favorite example is also a wonderful synchronicity.

I dream that I’m floating down a river, in lush tropical surroundings with vines and trees dripping into the surface of the water. As my little boat floats gently by the banks, under a lovely tree, I look up and see the most beautiful, sweet little monkey hugging the branch and looking at me. I outstretch my arms to the little creature and it melts into them and we embrace in loving bliss.

A bit later I’m visiting my wonderfully talented artist friend, Mally DeSomma, and see a pastel painting of my little monkey hanging in her studio. I’m stunned by the exactness of the likeness, especially the attitude that shines from it. I tell her my dream and, to my pure and utter delight, she gives me the original. It’s in a place of honor in my home. I am forever grateful to my dreams and to Mally.


So was this synchro precognitive?

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4 Responses to The Monkey Dream Synchro

  1. One thing I try really hard to do when I’m teaching about relating to your dreams is to get people to feel relaxed about it. I don’t think we can possibly stand one more thing that we “should” be doing. Even if you don’t keep a dream journal, which for me is just a blast to do, you can play with whatever dreams and synchronicities come to you, as of course you both already know. Just don’t beat yourself up about not writing dreams down; you will when you do. Meanwhile, enjoy them anyway. Yes, that little monkey is one of my favorite animal guides that most definitely manifested itself through my incredibly talented friend, Mally. How lucky am I?!

  2. I wish I had the discipline to keep a dream diary. I’ve started several times but then seem to run out of steam.

    What a great synchro for Adelita – the painting must have been meant for her.

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