Coast to Coast and the Mystery of Flight 370













Tune in (if you’re awake) to Coast to Coast with Rob MacGregor and Bruce Gernon at 3-5 a.m. EDT as they discuss the strange and intriguing possibilities of what happened to Malaysian flight 370.


In the alternative universe of late-night radio, Coast to Coast AM is the undisputed king, with more than 3 million listeners a week, more than 12 million listeners a month, and more than 144 million listeners a year.  That’s a lot of ears.

The first time Rob and I were on this show, back in the early 1990s, Art Bell was still at the helm and we were promoting The Everything Dreams Book. The show was a lot of fun, Bell was a terrific interviewer, and we got a lot of interesting call-ins about dreams. But the books that sold – and they were probably considerable – didn’t earn us a dime because it was a work for hire project. You’re paid a flat fee for work for hire and that’s it. You take these projects when you need the money and the topic is interesting.

The second time we did the show, Coast to Coast had undergone some major changes. Art Bell’s wife had passed away and he had left. George Noory was at the helm. It was February 4-5, 2013, and the book we were promoting was Aliens in the Backyard.

We wouldn’t have gotten this appearance without the help of our friend Carol Bowman, a past-life researcher and author, who had been a guest several times.

“Trish, this show sells books,” she’d said. “They know their audience. When I was a guest the last time (for Return to Heaven), I was sitting at my computer, watching my sales on Amazon.” Carol sent me the name of the producer and I wrote her.

The producer thought I was writing on Carol’s behalf, that Carol had a new book she was promoting, and quickly scheduled her for an appearance on February 4-5. I wrote the producer again, explaining the misunderstanding. The producer replied that all new guests had to be interviewed personally, by phone, so we scheduled a time when we could all talk.

We passed the muster and were slated for February 4-5, depending  on your time zone, between 2-5 a.m. eastern time for us. That weekend, we were visiting our daughter in Orlando and Rob ended up in the emergency room. By the time we crawled home on Monday, February 4, we were exhausted, depleted. But we did the show – and I did what Carol had suggested. I watched our numbers on Amazon and was astonished. We sold several hundred books just in the time we were on the show. I even snapped a photo, just to remind myself of the changing landscape of publishing in the 21st century.

We did more than 30 radio shows for Aliens in the Backyard and all of them were terrific, they helped sell books. But there’s no beating Coast to Coast for book sales.  So when The Synchronicity Highway: Exploring Coincidence, the Paranormal, & Aliens Contact was published in the fall of 2013, we began our queries to radio stations. We didn’t hear back from Coast to Coast. We realized that The Synchronicity Highway was broader in scope that Aliens in the Backyard and that we needed something more than a book about synchronicity, the paranormal, and alien contact.  We needed a hook.

And Rob, a former journalist, found it when he talked to our pilot friend Bruce Gernon,  who pointed out the similarities between the disappearance of Malaysian flight 370 and events in the Bermuda Triangle, including his flight in 1970. Bruce and Rob co-authored The Fog, a book that chronicles what happened to Bruce and his theory about it. We included his experience in Aliens in the Backyard, expanded upon it in The Synchronicity Highway, and the idea was expanded even further in emails and blog posts.

Bruce believes that what happened to him also happened to Flight 370.

Within a few hours of Rob pitching the idea to the producer, we received an email, then a call.  Tuesday night – or Wednesday  morning, depending on where you live – Rob and Bruce will be on Coast to Coast,  3-5 a.m. EDT,  midnight- 2 a.m. PDT, to discuss the intriguing possibility that Flight 370 experienced the same electronic fog that affected Bruce’s flight in 1970 and the possibility of a UFO connection.

What happened in that cockpit after the pilot signed off?

Why and how did the plane fly for another 7 hours after that sign off?

What was going on among the passengers during this chaos?

We hope you’ll join Bruce and Rob – live or later by podcast – as they discuss the strange and intriguing possibilities. I’ll  be serving coffee and snacks in the back room!

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8 Responses to Coast to Coast and the Mystery of Flight 370

  1. Darren B says:

    I have to listen to this later,but look what’s just happened in Korea talking about fog –

    “Two people have been killed and up to 300 are missing after a ferry ran aground and sank off South Korea’s southern coast.
    YouTube: Reporter Joseph Kim discusses the ferry sinking
    South Korea’s coastguard has confirmed 164 were rescued from the sinking ferry; however, it said hundreds are still unaccounted for.
    Heavy fog had set in overnight in the area, leading to cancellations of many passenger ferry services to islands.
    However, news reports said visibility in the area was fair. ”

  2. Nancy says:

    As a Coast Insider, I will definitely catch it tomorrow. This is an intriguing theory.

  3. DJan says:

    I was intrigued by the fog hypothesis after I read about it here, Trish. It’s a real mystery and I am hoping that one day we will know what happened to MH370.

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