The Laser, the Chopper, the Moped

The first part of this story – about the council man, was brought to our attention by Max Action, whose synchronicities have appeared several times on this blog.

In 2008, Jim Englin, a Council member of West St Paul, Minnesota and a State Patrol helicopter pilot, was flying a chopper that was hit by a laser. It turned the plexiglass opaque, nearly blinded him and his crew, and they almost crashed. Englin subsequently wrote a bill that prohibits pointing a laser at aircraft, Minnesota lawmakers supported it, and it became law on August 2, 2009.

Just two days later, the first arrest was made under this new law. The plane in question? A chopper Jim Englin was flying. “Immediately the cockpit lit up and the windscreen got opaque with a green light.”

This synchronicity has the trickster’s fingerprints all over it. Even Englin apparently recognized the irony. “We were chuckling, saying can you believe this? What are the odds of this? The law was written because we were out there and got hammered and now we are getting hammered again.”

What is it in Englin that drew this experience twice? Was it the law of attraction? Perhaps. But what about serial trickster synchronicities that involve the same people again and again,as in the next story?

In Bermuda in 1975, a man riding a moped was struck and killed by a taxi driver. Exactly a year later, this man’s brother was killed in the same way. That in itself qualifies as a synchronicity. But according to Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, where this story was first reported, both deaths happened on the same street, on the same moped, by the same taxi driver, who was carrying the same passenger.

So four people in all were involved- the two brothers, the taxi driver, and the passenger.And three of the same objects – taxi, moped, street. What was it in each of these individuals that invited a repeat of the same situation and event? Was there supposed to be a lesson in this? The sheer orchestration of these events really begs the question: who’s in charge?

UPDATE: Sansego asked what a trickster is. We should’ve explained it. A trickster synchronicity usually has a wry or ironic twist to it, like the universe is playing a joke on you. The trickster is an archetype, an image or idea common to all people regardless of race, religion, culture. You see him a lot in movies – Jim Carey’s character in The Mask, the joker in Batman (although the joker is a darker side of the trickster), Smeagol in The Lord of the Rings.

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8 Responses to The Laser, the Chopper, the Moped

  1. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Thanks for referring me to this post – it's very much like the story I published. It's fascinating how many 'patterns' are followed.

    Must get round to reading more of your older posts (time permitting!)

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – maybe the why doesn't matter as much as using the moment – each moment – to reach for what you want. Focus on that desire – not to leave your present job so much as to find a job you'll love. I think that with that focus, we can make things happen. We attract what we want.

  3. Sansego says:

    Oh, there is definitely an ironic twist to mine which explains this trickster synchronicity. I hope I can laugh about it someday. Now, my challenge is to learn the reason why it happened or why I'm stuck here.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – It does sound like you've been tricked by a coincidence. I felt the same way about a job I had years ago. Only later was I able to gain any perspective & realized that in the bigger picture, the job served a purpose. Ask for help on finding a new job. Pose the question to the universe, then give yourself the suggestion that the next thing you hear or see will offer some insight – a song on the radio, something you read, something someone says.
    – Trish

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Usually a trickster synchronicity exhibits a sense of irony. Like Michel Gauquelin's research that proved him wrong. There was a lesson to be learned from the experience. For the rest of his career he was considered a nut – and still is – by the scientific community. But his research still stands, in spite of efforts to debunk him.

    So maybe there's something there for you to learn…or maybe you just have some karma with those people.

    Also, search the term plum pudding on this site, and you'll come across a classic trickster synchronicity.

  6. Sansego says:

    What's a trickster synchronicity? And how do you know if you've been "tricked"? I think I have. I'm currently stuck in a job that I hate which I only accepted because the coincidence surrounding it when I first found out about it seemed to indicate that it was where I should work. Turned out to be the worst decision of my life, because I've never seen a more dysfunctional office environment. It took me 4 months before I realized the mistake I made and I've been searching for a new job for 32 months now. I've never searched for a job longer than 5 months before, so I feel like I've been badly tricked by a coincidence.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The story about your grandfather was pretty strange, too!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow! i think the phrase "SHEER orchestration" is a bit of an understatement in this case!!! what a conglomeration of experiences! i thought my little story which i had just come across regarding my grandfather's death and series of "date" related events [posted yesterday] was something – well, till this, that is!

    incredible story, yours!

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