Astronomical Odds

I’ve known about Michel Gauquelin’s research, but until now I’d never thought of it as a synchronicity. This shows that astrology and all forms of divination actually are subsets of synchronicity. (Jung said that.)

French Statistician Michel Gauquelin set out in 1950 to prove that the birth-positions of the stars and planets exert no influence whatsoever on one’s future development. However, he was dismayed when his own statistics proved him wrong, with, for instance, 5 million to 1 odds against pure chance showing that great soldiers, military leaders and warlords tend to have the war god Mars ascending in their horoscopes.

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18 Responses to Astronomical Odds

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jenean – we've got a post coming up on the macy's parade lady.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    rob and trish – i remember the woman in the macy's parade now that it's been mentioned – perhaps there are some more tantalizing details to be gathered and we'll be reading about them soon right here!

    celeste – i'm so glad to see you made it over here – i had meant to mention this site to you but the past few days have been more than a little fragmented for me – it's wonderful to see people come together full circle – you'll love it here as much as i do!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jenean told us about the first story, but that's a big wow on the second one. Hadn't heard that!

  4. Anonymous says:

    " just as an aside, i'm sure you all have heard the story of the surviving italian woman who decided to go shopping instead of joining her husband and son on the sightseeing helicopter ride over nyc? "

    What about the woman who had The Cat In The Hat balloon fall on her at the Macy's Day Parade rendering her comatose a few years back, and more recently, same woman had a plane fly right into her apartment.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous – you make some great points. A birth chart is only a blueprint of potential. Whether we realize the potential or not is all about free will. Just because someone has Mars on the ascendant doesn't guarantee anything. That particular aspect can manifest itself in numerous ways & the proclivities mentioned in the post are just several of them.

    No single planet determines who an individual is or may become. Only each of us can do that. & when looking at a chart, it has to be viewed holistically, as a living, breathing energy.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Astrology is a system that has been worked on for millennia and is still being perfected. I don't believe that the emphasis needs to be put on the planets to make the people, but the society in which the people are born into, the society that created astrology to begin with. We can look at ourselves from the inner and outer workings of the universe: from the great cosmos exerting its influence on the individual to the great cosmos within that the individual exerts influence over. There needs to be a teaming with biological evolution and our rising from just creatures prone to ignorance and natural selection to higher-minded denizens of Earth. It isn't enough to pin a planet that has come to represent war and the male energy over millennia of astrological development on an aspect of humanity. Why do we kill each other? Is it just because Mars exists in space and with telescopes we've tracked it? There can be and will be greater connections made with the realities of astrology in the future, but this kind of pin the tail on the donkey doesn't play well with humans who rely on cold, hard facts in plain view to feel safe in moving forward with information than intuitive readings of humanity. They know that there's been a lot of wrong done to our race with that kind of speculative hypothesizing. Hail 2012 when the rational mind can agree with the intuitive feeling as co-depending and evolved into balance for our survival.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Celeste – send us your story and we'll put it up as a post!

    Natalie – plenty of Virgoan company here!

  8. Natalie says:

    I adore astrology….Scientific enough to please my practical side, out there enough to please my spiritual side. Perfection. (Virgo rising) 😀

  9. Celeste Maia says:

    Your blog is fascinating! Later on today or tomorrow I am posting a true story that has an interesting coincidence in it. Total synchronicity!
    Thank you for leading me here.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jenean – hadn't heard that one! Thanks! Will check out the link.

    Toumai, love the idea of the parallel world. In The Seth Books, written by Jane Roberts in the 70s-80s, Seth talks about parallel worlds/selves and about the multidimensional self. All of it is fascinating.

  11. Toumai says:

    Perhaps everything living and innate, in both a small and big sense contribute to the overall whole– the weaving of a dynamic living tapestry… the end of which is… well, completion and fuller meaning.

  12. Toumai says:

    If my theory is correct, then the parallel world with their greater knowledge and power could very easily have "evolved" us along (yep… selective breeding like we do with dogs and cats).

    This being the case, they could have created a more malleable people, but it seems that this was forfeited … since people are more a combination of lion and lamb (seemingly at "warring odds”). But perhaps this was purposely designed in order to hone our abilities… to sharpen our wits and grow our intelligence in such a way that we would one day complement the “inner self/world”… after all two heads can prove to be far better than one if synchronized —the Hensel conjoined twins are living proof that humans have a “built in” mechanism that enables the synchronizing of efforts toward a common good.

    Perhaps the name “Homo Sapien-Sapiens” was wisely "suggested".

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish and rob – just as an aside, i'm sure you all have heard the story of the surviving italian woman who decided to go shopping instead of joining her husband and son on the sightseeing helicopter ride over nyc?

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good point. So when Sansego wonders why he ended up with a job he doesn't like and feels stuck there for now, and when I wonder why I broke my foot, there could've been worse scenarios awaiting both of us had we not made the decisions that led us into our so-called troubles.

  15. Toumai says:

    In examining the hypothesis further, one then tends to wonder why the bum steer :-)(-; ….?!

    Except that perhaps the goal was to create diversity, after all, nature itself creates diversities to better enable survival. Perhaps the “unconscious self” had matured to understand this well before the “conscious outer self” (us)and perhaps they could foresee that human diversities would offer a better chance of surviving in the broader cosmic scheme of things.

    Perhaps we are now coming of age to a time when we are able to stretch- begin to fathom this parallel world. Perhaps their actions worked to head off disaster that we could not see… and if this is the case, could it then be called a bum steer?

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting concept, Toumai! & certainly not impossible.

  17. Toumai says:

    Hypothetically speaking: what if the unconscious mind… and the collective unconscious are not only independent, but have the unique ability to manipulate our thoughts and actions without our being aware. If this were the case, then technically speaking, people and even groups could be made to move in such a way that credibility is then allotted to our various religions and belief systems.

    Would put a whole new meaning to the word “trickster”.

  18. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    too too funny!!! and such "minute" odds, at that!!!! 🙂

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