Tornadoes, Planetary Empaths, and the GCP Dot



There’s something so  frightening about this video that I cringed when I watched it. I cringed even worse when I read about the devastation these tornadoes caused.

“These were the most intense super-cell thunderstorms that I think anybody who was out there forecasting has ever seen,” said meteorologist Greg Carbin at the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla. “If you experienced a direct hit from one of these, you’d have to be in a reinforced room, storm shelter or underground” to survive, Carbin said.

Not surpisingly, there was a point before these storms hit when the Global Consciousness Project dot on the blog glowed blood red. But when that happens, it’s difficult to figure out why – until after the fact.  At around the same time we noticed the glowing red dot, math addict put up a comment under Two Odd Videos (April 27, 12:04 p.m.) describing the planetary empath symptoms she was experiencing.  Then, yesterday morning, she sent this email:

“THIS is what my planetary empath symptoms yesterday were pre-empting. I was raised in Montgomery; cheered at many football games in Tuscaloosa; our family had many friends there. I have no doubt people that I knew then are among the dead.” This comment made me realize that planetary empath symptoms sometimes are caused by a person’s deeply personal connections to the location of a disaster, man-made or natural.

Math commented that the scenes of devastation were like something out of Day After Tomorrow, the movie based on The Coming Global Superstorm by Whitley Strieber and Art Bell. If you click the Strieber link, there’s a terrific article on the tornadoes – the worst in 50 years.

Now the south is bracing for a flood, the worst since the Mississippi River Flood of 1927. The levees are about to be tested.

So are the ferocity of these storms a precursor to what 2012 may actually be about? Are planetary empaths some sort of human interface of the Global Consciousness Project? Both are able to “predict” disasters – empaths through their physical symptoms, the GCP through a deviance of the norm in the random number generators. Some empaths, as we’ve discussed before, can pinpoint the kind of disaster. But so far, the empaths and the  have been able to predict location. Then again, the GCP can’t pinpoint location, either.

If you  have experienced physical symptoms or vivid dreams prior to a natural or man-made disaster, please leave us a comment. This   post lists the most common symptoms, but the list is by no means exhaustive.Your experience helps the rest of us understand how this peculiar ability may be evolving.

Tomorrow look for a very interesting post here from Marcus Anthony, an intuitive analyst and futurist, who has done a reading for us on the phenomenon of planetary empaths. What he has to say is quite startling.

Here’s the power of just one of these tornadoes:




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23 Responses to Tornadoes, Planetary Empaths, and the GCP Dot

  1. Ray Getzinger says:

    Just yesterday on an NPR program there were some interesting stories about the tornadoes.

    A roof was blown off causing extensive damage to the kitchen, but a crystal teapot had not moved from the center of the table.

    A teenager who was interviewed for the program said she told a friend in high school that she had never seen a tornado and she wished she could see one. Within twenty-four hours a tornado destroyed her home.


    • R and T says:

      It seems like these kinds of synchros are often prevalent during disasters. I’m sorry I missed this show. The synchro for the teen is especially interesting. Be careful what you wish for??

  2. Natalie says:

    Two things: My ears have been ringing for two days and I had a bad case of the sads yesterday. email to Nancy April 26.

    Natalie Prior Thomas

    I feel some flooding coming on. Let’s hope I am wrong.
    Thursday at 18:03 FB.

  3. Natalie says:

    I told someone..maybe Nancy or Trish two days ago that I had ear ringing and a case of the sads. I also put on FB that I could feel a flood coming on. I can find the FB one, but not the ‘sads’ one. BBS

  4. Driving by Alabama cars all day and everywhere I turn I see Tuscaloosa on the news. This is just so surreal no matter where you are. pray

  5. friend of nica says:

    so sorry not to have been able to comment earlier or even now – have not been home and have people here now – however, i had jotted down notes beginning the day or so before the storm came through and i don’t want to misquote what i wrote so i will have to wait until i can sit down and pull my notebook out – more later –

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Rather than having migraines, I experience a sensation that my head is too heavy for my neck to hold up. It’s the most odd sensation in the world. I do have right or left temporal headaches prior to the events, but the headaches come and go in waves and are always, like the ear noises, on one side or the other, never both, during a “cluster” of PE symptoms. I believe if I begin to keep a journal of the symptoms and then the event that occurs, I will eventually be able to pinpoint at least a direction on the map, as in north, south, east, or west of my own location. I’ve already been able to differentiate between earthquake symptoms and volcanic eruption symptoms, and also to determine when there will be massive loss of life and property due to the emotional fragility and crying that will precede the whatever. Apparently I perceive both the screaming of the earth itself, and the anguish of the people, too. It’s really awful because it seems to be purposeless, our being unable to do anything to prevent whatever it is. The PEmpathy is something I’ve not been able to control as I’ve learned to control many ‘psychic’ experiences and can often shut myself away from those.

  7. D Page says:

    I am on day 4 of a migraine, which let up a little on the 2nd day, and then came back full on. I remember when I had very first migraine: it was in the Boulder CO foothills during a tornado warning. I used to get them just before tornadoes went through, for the year I lived there.
    I had a dream last night, from which I wok up crying: many, many homeless people (Americans), and allot of chaos.

  8. guess whoot says:

    west coast has been very COOL for a good month,, heat is energy,, weather moves west to east,,, the energy is going east and we’re seeing it manifest,, makes sense to me,, wondering??

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    I’m counting the hours until you post the Marcus material! He is such an encyclopedia of vast and unbiased knowledge….always enlightening to read whatever he offers. I was OK when I awakened this morning, but within the past hour, (it is now 12:50pm EDT on 4-29-2011), the symptoms have once again worsened significantly. I do know beyond any shadow of a doubt that my body and emotions react physically to even the slightest changes in barometric pressures, and have done so since I was born, just as many people are allergic to Spring pollen. My system reacts to weather shifts within a specific range in terms of distance to me. But the planetary symptoms are not local, and they reflect both man-made catastrophes such as the events of 9-11, and natural events such as these ungodly weather patterns that are increasingly devastating. Generally speaking, when the event has “released”, the PE symptoms abruptly cease. If they don’t, more is coming. Sad to report: More is coming.

  10. terripatrick says:

    My hope is that Mother Earth is shaking out the kinks of her new patterns and will settle into her new balance and rotation soon. Then she and humanity can begin rebuilding a more compassionate and interconnected relationship.

  11. Nancy says:

    These things terrify me. When we were living in Minnesota I would hate to go to bed at night when we were under tornado watch for fear one would it while we were sleeping. I had figured out where to go in the house (downstairs bath in the tub), but living in the West for most of my life tornadoes were something new to me. (We worry about earthquakes.) My PE symptoms are always during the event. I feel sadness, crying for no reason – but it is always linked to human misery, not precognition. I think planetary empaths can feel different things at different times and it very well may be linked to personal connections – but also may be linked to their personal abilities. I am a developmentalist so it would stand to reason human misery would affect me – much like the GCP dot. Others may have other predispositions – if you are precognitive you might have symptoms that something is coming, if you have psychic abilities you might see visions. Does this make sense? In other words, we all may have symptoms, such as Mike’s migrain, we just don’t connect it to world events. The first time I realized I was having symptoms of extreme sadness and it could not be connected to anything going on in my life was during the Rwanda massacre. Other times I would attribute it to hormones, life, being tired, etc. But the symptoms were extreme and I just could not find a reason for it – I am not presdisposed to depression, so it was so weird to feel that way at that time. The only thing going on at the time was the horrific genocide in Rwanda.

  12. Tuscaloosa is the lead photo on the NYT and WSJ. Very sad news coming from one of my homes.

  13. Vicki D. says:

    I’ve had the ear ringing for days, they let up a little.
    It gets very severe with big earthquakes.
    Migraines can last for days.
    I look forward to tomorrows post.

  14. The tornados are horrific, never witnessed anything like that where I live. I’m not 100% sure what 2012 is all about but I live in hope, not fear. Look forward to tomorrow’s post. As for symptons: I had a horrific migraine, the first for many years, which lasted over 48 hours – but if that meant anything, again, I can’t be sure.

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