Category Archives: natural disasters

Tornadoes, Planetary Empaths, and the GCP Dot

    There’s something so  frightening about this video that I cringed when I watched it. I cringed even worse when I read about the devastation these tornadoes caused. “These were the most intense super-cell thunderstorms that I think anybody … Continue reading

Posted in natural disasters, tornado | 23 Comments

Climate Change Deniers

You run into them in ordinary places – your local gym, at work, in restaurants, in college classrooms. You hear them a lot on TV and talk radio, too, the climate change deniers. The world isn’t getting warmer, just look … Continue reading

Posted in climate change, natural disasters | 17 Comments

Gaia Updates

An earthquake of either 6.9 or 7.1 (two different reports) rocked Ecuador this morning, It apparently was felt across much of the country, including Quito, one of my favorite cities. Fortunately, it was 131 miles beneath the surface, which may … Continue reading

Posted in gaia, natural disasters | 17 Comments