Indra’s Net Revisited

Our Interview with Whitley Strieber will be available this weekend here.  We covered a spectrum of topics and had great fun! For Dreamland subscribers, there’s a second half hour to the interview where our conversation expands and includes contactee Sandy, whom we have written about before.


Today’s synchro is a great example of Indra’s net, the Hindu idea that all of us are connected in some way, at some profound level.

Kevin Pierce is an audio book narrator. This means that when you listen to an audio book, either fiction or nonfiction, his voice may be the one you’re hearing, the voice that carries you along through the story. And as any audio book listener knows, the quality of the narrator’s voice is important. Kevin’s voice is beautiful.

He has narrated dozens of books for Crossroad Press, including some of our titles.  His synchronicity involved several elements, so even though it’s straightforward, it’s beautifully layered and illustrates the often oddball things that connect us.

Kevin was narrating a book for Crossroad, which is co-owned by David Wilson. The book, The Stargate Chronicles: Memoir of  a Psychic Spy  by Joe McMoneagle  is about remote viewing during the years of Stargate, the government’s psychic spy program. 

As Kevin was narrating a chapter about Joe’s attempt to find a kidnapped U.S. Army General, he suddenly realized that the general lives in his hometown of Fort Myers, Florida. And this same general sat on Kevin’s son’s service academy review board not just once, but twice.

In addition, Fort Myers, Florida happens to be the hometown of the David Wilson’s significant other and (drum roll, please) Kevin had recently narrated a book on synchronicity – The Synchronicity Highway.

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4 Responses to Indra’s Net Revisited

  1. Darren B says:

    It’s funny,I’ve been listening to the audio book of yours that I won from the episode of “42 Minutes” that you and Rob were on – – and I’m nearing the end of it…finally,after listening to bits and pieces of the book by bookmarking it and restarting the next day from the bookmark (I usually listen to it on my computer when shaving in the morning,before going to work) and today I’m up to the Whitley Strieber part of it.
    Sync !
    The readers who are interested can listen to the “42 Minutes” podcast you were on around Christmas time last year at this link here –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I didn’t realize you’d won the audio, Daz! How cool! That may be a synchro in and of itself.

      • Darren B says:

        Yes,I had a feeling at the time of the pod-cast that for some reason this audio book was going to be mine,but I tried to let anybody who was listening have a go at winning it first,it was only after I saw nobody had won it a few days after the pod-cast airing that I tried for it and was then notified a few hours later that I was the winner.So my feeling was right all along.
        Fate ? Who knows ?

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