Interview about The Synchronicity Highway

One of the more interesting radio/podcast interviews we did was with Hits Dyanak,  a researcher on alternative thinking. He’d seen an article we’d written for Nexus Magazine about The Synchronicity Highway —specifically, about our interview with remote viewer Joe McMoneagle and his target of Mars 1 million years ago (requested by NASA). He approached us for an interview and we were happy to oblige. He gives a video intro about his thoughts on ancient intelligent life on Mars, has some provocative questions. He put the interview on you tube.




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5 Responses to Interview about The Synchronicity Highway

  1. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating. I remember being so excited about the “Face on Mars” and descriptions of pyramids in that area, and then there was all that stuff that said the Face, viewed from another angle, was obviously not man-made, etc. I think of the gigantic pyramid in Bosnia, and the way academia is so determined to discredit that discovery. thanks for sharing this!

  2. That was really nice. Thanks for posting on your own blog. This makes it easier to refer to other people who may be interested. You kids are soooo prolific!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks, Adele. Yes, books are us. The digital revolution has taken away the great advances we used to get from mainstream publishers. On the other hand, we are getting all of our backlist, 30 or more out-of-print books – novels and non-fiction – on the market again through a wonderful new publisher, Crossroads Press.

  3. Nice one – I’ll put the video on my blog on May 13th (I’ll tell you why on that date another time)

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