The Black Diamond & Miniature Vortices

 Today, our friend Bruce Gernon and Rob’s co-author of The Fog  dropped by the house. He had some interesting insights concerning his theory about electronic fog, what happened to him 40 years ago in the Bermuda Triangle, and what may have happened to Malaysian Flight 370.

Bruce’s visits are always interesting and today was no exception. He came with a book – The Golden Vortex by Nick Nelson – and two odd little objects. One was white and round, the other was black, until you held it up to the light and then it turned blood red and you could see something in the center of it, a round object.  You can see the black object in the photo; it looks like a miniature perfume bottle.

“So what is this, Bruce?” I asked.

“It creates miniature vortices. The author of The Golden Vortex and I did an exchange of books and he sent these little gizmos with the book. He believes that during my flight through the Bermuda Triangle, I was swept up in one of these vortices – except that it was a much larger geomagnetic phenomenon.”

I picked up the dark object. It was light, felt like plastic, yet when I touched it to the leg of our iron coffee table, it stuck to it. “It’s magnetic?”

Bruce explained that the object is made up of a plant-based nylon and carbon graphite. I wasn’t sure what carbon graphite is, so of course I went to Google and found some interesting articles here and here.

And I discovered that experiments with carbon graphite are ongoing. And yes, it’s magnetic.  

Bruce handed me the brochure on this “black diamond”, as Nick Nelson calls it, and then said, “Okay, Rob, you sit on the couch. Trish and I are going to stand about three feet apart and you put the black diamond between us.”

“What are we proving here?” I asked.

“One of us is either going to shrink in height or grow taller. Rob will be able to see it.”

Huh? I was going to suddenly become the incredible shrinking woman?

Bruce and I first stood back to back, so Rob could see how much taller Bruce is.  Then Bruce and I stood side by side, about three feet apart, with the “black diamond” between us. Rob studied us, nodded, then Bruce and I changed places. In exchanging places, we had to pass through the miniature vortex created by the black diamond.

I felt…lightheaded, strange, with a tingling feeling zipping through my arms and down into my hands like an electrical current. Rob’s eyes widened. “Wow,” he said. “Trish is suddenly a couple of inches taller than Bruce.”

I had to see this for myself, so we tried the experiment with Rob and Bruce.  And I took before and after photos.

Here are Bruce and Rob, side by side in our living room before the object has been placed between them. Bruce to the left, Rob to the right. You can see they are about equal in height, relative to the TV in the background.

Then they changed places, stepping through the supposed miniature vortex created by the “black diamond,” which is between them.  Is it just me or does Bruce look taller?

Very strange stuff. I am now off to read The Golden Vortex.

I think Nick Nelson may be onto something here. And this object, when worn around the neck, allegedly has health benefits: increased stamina, focus and circulation; quicker recovery times and fewer aches and pains; less interrupted sleep and more dreaming; greater resistance to colds, flu; no jet lag,

We’ll experiment and report back.

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14 Responses to The Black Diamond & Miniature Vortices

  1. Melissa says:

    Um, all I have to say is this is what we are doing when I am down there in two weeks! I want to try!

  2. Momwithwings says:

    They did something like this on “Brad Meltzer Decoded” series. It was really neat.
    Where can you get these? I’ll try anything without chemicals for my fibromyalgia. Pain!

    Thanks for sharing this!!

  3. Nancy says:

    Fascinating! Keep us updated. Off to get the “Golden Vortex.” Since I am constantly fighting cold issues, this might be useful. The West has been in one of the worst droughts in years, and the chemtrails are constant as they try to geoengineer the weather. It has left me with recurring bronchitis, so maybe something like this would be helpful – I’ve tried everything else, that’s for sure. As an aside, Maui no longer allows chemtrails – since their organic produce became contaminated they no longer allow flyovers of any planes not authorized in advance. Not surprisingly, if I don’t catch a virus on the plane ride over, I don’t have issues.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I think you’ll find the book interesting. I’ve just been paging through it, reading here and there.

      • Nancy says:

        I went to the website and the newer models seem to be sold out – not surprising if it was on Decoded. I read all the testimonials and think I will try one once they are back in stock. Thanks for the heads up.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          Here’s a comment received via e-mail from Nick Nelson.

          Thank you for the attention you gave my humble Golden Vortex device on your blog. You’ve actually given me something to try. The demonstration on the Meltzer program on the History Channel (January 2012), The Alaskan Graveyard (The Alaskan Triangle) episode #13 of the second season was done with the original GV that I invented several years ago. The Black Diamond that we call, the, Elite was developed just last year. We’ve known, of course that when a person wears it close a dynamic event occurs wherein a person moves up and down on his or her own over a period of several seconds and sometimes a couple of minutes, which can be seen by the participants when facing one another, AND any witnesses looking on. I did not know it would function in a similar manner as the original that was seen on the program. I gotta check that out!

          I thank you guys twice.

          Nick Nelson

          Oh, contrary to what one of the people who commented on your posting, the Elite Black Diamond is not out of stock.

  4. Rob and Trish says:

    At first I thought the sense of shrinking or growing was an illusion created by the suggestion that it would happen. But are the photos an illusion as well? I don’t think so. Like Trish, I felt light-headed as I first held the object.

    Also, I’ve been testing its healing capacity, as proclaimed by Nick Nelson. I’ve rested it on the inside of my right knee where I have a chronic injury to the miniscus. A couple of days have passed and the knee has not healed. Yet, the pain has diminished. It’s hardly noticeable. Again, is it an illusion because that’s what I was hoping, or is there some change taking place?

    Bruce and I have never met Nick and know very little about him. I haven’t read his book yet. But I’ll continue to experiment with the object.

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