A Rasputin Synchro

 After we were on Dreamland with Whitley Strieber and contactee Sandy, I received an email from Brent, about an interesting synchronicity concerning the famed mystic Grigori Rasputin.

Rasputin was a Russian peasant who became a mystical advisor to the House of Romanovs. He was born on  January 22, 1869 and was murdered in St Petersburg, Russia on December 30, 1916.

A vocal group called Boney M recorded a song in 1978 called Rasputin.Their lead singer, Roberto Alfonso Ferrell – Bobby –  often dressed as Rasputin while performing the song. He died in St. Petersburg, Russia, on December 30, 2010.

When I mentioned this to Rob, his first reaction was that perhaps it was some sort of past life connection. Regardless of what the connection is, it’s one of those odd synchros that involves a name and a date.    

Here’s an article from a UK website about the “weird coincidence,” as they call it. There does seem to be a discrepancy in the date of death for both men – December 29 is listed in this article, but December 30 is listed in others. Whichever date is correct, both men died on the same date, but decades apart.

Thanks to Brent for bringing it to our attention!

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4 Responses to A Rasputin Synchro

  1. Momwithwings says:

    At the end of every year, especially in the last few weeks, there always seem to be a “rush” of deaths.

  2. Synchro or ‘weird coincidence’ it’s an interesting one.

    Saddam Hussein was also executed on December 30th – not that this has any relevance to Rasputin.

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