Synchronicity & Lunch in Cassadaga



For Rob’s birthday, we headed north to Orlando for the weekend to celebrate with our daughter. The plan was that we would spend Friday night at Megan’s place, then drive over to Cassadaga on Saturday and back to Orlando on Sunday for one of Megan’s Paint Nites.

The highlight for Saturday was lunch with Sandy, a contactee,  and her husband, George. We’ve written about Sandy before and have been doing synchronized meditations with her once a week or so, a kind of experiment in high strangeness.  She’s a retired veterinarian whose specialty was animal neuroscience. Her encounters have never involved the classical abduction scenario, medical experimentation, or being taken into a craft.

Some of her experiences of these beings – whom she refers to as energies – sound utterly terrifying to me, but over the years she has learned to control her fear and now works consciously with these entities.  She has names for them – Watcher, Marshal, John –  which makes it easier for her to distinguish them in her journals.

George called around 11 a.m. Saturday to let us know he and Sandy had arrived in Cassadaga.  I explained we were getting off to a late start but would arrive 30 or 40 minutes later. I called them after we’d checked into the B&B where we were staying. George said that Sandy was having a reading and explained where he was waiting.  It turned out that Sandy was having a reading with psychometrist Kathy Adams, who we have also written about before. It wasn’t a synchro; we had told her we were going to get readings from Kathy. That said…

It was a Saturday, one of the busiest days in Cassadaga. In the past, we’ve had to wait for readings with Kathy because she had so many clients. But this Saturday was different. Rob went in while Sandy was still getting a reading, and sat in the waiting room. George and I waited  in the garden with Nika and Noah. Megan and her friend, Sommer, arrived and joined us in the garden. It turned out that 5 of us, one after another, got in to see Kathy for readings.

This was so unusual that I kept wondering what was going on. Even though other people arrived and could have entered Kathy’s waiting room at any time, they didn’t. For whatever reason, they walked on. I knew that Sandy and George had a limited amount of time to spend in Cassadaga and, on any other Saturday, we might have spent all that time waiting for our turn with Kathy. It was as if an energy shift had occurred and that shift deflected interruptions of what was apparently some sort of flow the six of us had hooked into. I took it as a positive sign.

After our readings, we headed over to the Cassadaga Hotel for lunch, and ate out on the porch.

The conversation, naturally, quickly turned to contact and synchronicity.  Here’s a cluster of hummingbird synchros Sandy experienced that proved to be quite powerful – and healing.

In August of 2013, she was worried that her dog, Nellie, might be ailing. She was twelve and a half, wasn’t eating well, just wasn’t herself. One night, Sandy had a magnificent dream about two hummingbirds hovering around her mailbox, facing each other. They were larger than normal hummingbirds and she sensed they were mates. In the dream, their wings came together to form a heart shape.

A couple of days after she’d had the dream, she and George were sitting in their yard and a hummingbird appeared, larger than most hummingbirds, just as in her dream. “Hummingbirds are winter residents in Florida and it was mid-August; I have no idea what a hummingbird was doing here at this time of year,” she says. “To me, the hummingbird represents angelic energy, joy.”

A few days later, she was downloading songs that a friend had sent her years ago – 200 songs, odds and ends. She figured she should get them into the music file on her computer. While the songs were downloading, she noticed a hummingbird out in the garden and went over to the window to get a closer look. But it had flown away. She turned back to her computer and saw that the download had stalled. The song that refused to download? Seals & Croft’s Hummingbird. 

She snapped a screenshot of the song refusing to download:

The next day, Sandy passed a road she’d never seen before and glanced at the sign: Hummingbird Lane.

It was now abundantly clear to her that she was in the grips of synchronicity and she felt it was related to Nellie’s  deterioration. Sandy checked her over – and found a large mass in her abdomen. She took the dog to her vet, and sure enough, he identified it as well. He didn’t think Nellie was a candidate for surgery and not long afterward, Sandy and George had to have her put down.

Sandy understood that the cluster of hummingbird synchros had been alerting her to Nellie’s condition. Hummingbirds not only symbolize joy, but in some indigenous traditions are considered to be messengers from the spirit world. “The synchro softened the blow of her passing, and helped to heal our broken hearts.”


Rob will be posting about a conversation he had with George, about a UFO sighting – and possibly an abduction – that he experienced. There was lot going on at this seemingly casual lunch!

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6 Responses to Synchronicity & Lunch in Cassadaga

  1. The hummingbird story is special, I didn’t know their meaning but, there again, not likely to see any in my part of the world. Always interested in your Cassadaga posts and good to see that Megan’s Paint Nites are still running. I saw something similar advertised while in Malta.

  2. DJan says:

    I loved the hummingbird story. I find them to be most incredible creatures. I didn’t know anything more than that about what they signify. Thank you. 🙂

  3. Nancy says:

    Fascinating. Can’t wait to hear more.
    I would love to go to Cassadaga for a reading.

  4. lauren raine says:

    Beautiful synchronicities. I’ve been having a bit of the same experience myself of late, and wondering if Spirit hasn’t been offering me a bit of guidance……….I’m turning 65 this year, and feeling quite often like I don’t know what the heck to do with myself any more – like I’m adrift in “retirement land” and already irrelevant. True or not, we can feel that way………

    I keep feeling I should go back to work with the Goddess masks and work with women, but I feel isolated and, well, “irrelevant”. But lately my computer keeps doing weird things.

    I’ve never had anything on my dashboard, but recently I decided I’d put a picture on it, what the heck. So when I went to the place that does that function, it had a bunch of sample pictures that come with the computer, and strangely, a file of some of the photos I took when i went to England to do a conference several years ago. It was the only personal file in that function, and I have no idea how it got there. In the file are all the photos of the sacred sites I visited, and my favorite, a photo I took of a poster at the ancient Roman baths in Bath when I was on my way to the Goddess conference in Glastonbury : it says “The Goddess Awaits You”! So now I have this on my dashboard/screen saver.

    Maybe I should go back to work!

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