Clinton’s eerie prediction

Frank Joseph in Synchronicity & You relates a synchronicity that happened to Bill Clinton. One day in 1995 he met with a handful of Democratic political figures and started talking about his commerce secretary, Ron Brown, extolling the man’s virtues and hard work. Clinton called him “the best commerce secretary in the history of the republic,” and went on to talk about his life. To the people present, it sounded as if Clinton was delivering a eulogy.

Shortly after the conference adjourned, Clinton was informed that his commerce secretary had been killed in a plane crash. Democrat Party Chair Mark Andrew was at the conference and remarked that while Clinton had been speaking about Brown, there was something almost prescient about it that made it very eerie.”

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17 Responses to Clinton’s eerie prediction

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the link, check it out. I'll do exactly that!

  2. CHECK THIS OUT ! says:

    RIGHT ON !

    now that ought to astonish anybody !

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That is really astonishing, especially since it was filmed and his two friends recollected him saying that he was going to get his (Kennedy's) job. I think we create our own destiny, and on that day Clinton created his.

  4. JBanholzer says:

    Speaking of Bill Clinton and precognition, check out this video of him and JFK shaking hands at the White House back in 1963:

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I agree, Ray. & as Nancy remarked, it sure smacks of precognition.

  6. Ray says:

    One of the Watergate burglers with a right wing radio show loved to start rumors about Clinton. I think it was on his show that I first heard the rumors about Brown's demise.

    I believe it was a synchronicity. I don't think any American had anything to do with the crash.


  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Precognition fits, for sure, Nancy.

  8. Celeste Maia says:

    How very strange!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm with you, Marlene. I think Clinton tapped into something, inadvertently, psychically.

  10. Marlene says:

    I used to think there was only one truth..but as I get older I feel like the truth is so subjective…people believe what they want to believe and make it thier truth. I personnaly
    think synchronicity was at work here.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, rob – you are SO right in your first comment above! i was going to respond a bit but your words carry forth quite well as they stand! another great story served with dessert [your second comment] –

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The funny thing is I wrote that 'response' before seeing the post from LL. Yet, it sounds as if I was responding to her. So in a way I pulled a 'Clinton.' That's a synchronicity.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Synchronicity and politics are a messy combination, because neither one relies on logic.

    If Clinton somehow knocked that plane out of the sky and knew Brown was dead before anyone else, he would give a memorial speech AFTER the incident was reported, not before. That makes it synchronicity. But if you don't believe in synchronicity…or Clinton…or logic, then murder sounds reasonable.

  14. LL says:

    A friend of mine was on the plane with Brown when it augered into the ground. I think Brown was a corrupt fool (no tears) but sadly, he didn't die alone.

  15. Sansego says:

    In the 1990s, I've heard anti-Clinton people claim that Clinton had Brown killed. I don't know why they said that, but maybe this speech seemed a bit "too knowing." I think its an outrageous accusation. Flying planes in a warzone is risky, so anything can happen.

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