Category Archives: clinton

Hilary and the Earthquakes

Cj, who comments frequently on this blog, alerted us to this story about Hillary Clinton and earthquakes. It’s one of those global synchros that we talk about in 7 Secrets.+++During her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Clinton has been … Continue reading

Posted in clinton, global synchro | 19 Comments

Out of Nigeria

Nigeria has been in the news lately with the Christmas attempted terrorist attack originating there. So I asked Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth, of  Nigeria, who has posted synchronicities here, for his thoughts. I think you’ll find them interesting in that he couches … Continue reading

Posted in clinton, Nigeria, St. Augustine, terrorism | 14 Comments

Clinton’s eerie prediction

Frank Joseph in Synchronicity & You relates a synchronicity that happened to Bill Clinton. One day in 1995 he met with a handful of Democratic political figures and started talking about his commerce secretary, Ron Brown, extolling the man’s virtues … Continue reading

Posted in clinton, precognition, prediction, presidents | 17 Comments