The Library Angel Visits

 On May 29, we posted a terrific bird synchronicity that Nancy Pickard sent us.  It started with a book Nancy was reading – Providence of a Sparrow by Chris Chester. As a result of that book, Nancy ordered Following the Wrong God Home by Clive Scott Chisholm, a close friend of Chris Chester’s, and it triggered another synchronicity.


 It all started with that bird book I sent you. Now, jump from it, over the baby goose in that synchro, to yesterday when a book arrived that I had ordered because of the first book. This second book was written by Chris Chester’s best friend who seems to be equally brilliant and interesting.

Now for some background on this new syncho: in the novel I’m writing, there is a character who I’ve been afraid may come across as a stereotype instead of real. I made him as real as I could, and I know men like him exist, because I’ve met some. But still, some people *do* seem like stereotypes in real life, and fiction has to 3-dimensionalize them, somehow, in ways they may not even do for themselves. If you follow, as I know you do.

So yesterday the second book arrives. I decide to open it at random to see if there’s a message for me. My finger lands on the beginning of a scene–a real life scene–WITH AN OLD MAN WHO IS JUST LIKE THE CHARACTER IN MY NOVEL!!! I’m not kidding, even down to his loss of three children. There he is, my guy, coming alive on the page, reassuring me that I got him right and did him justice. But it also helped because it made me see more clearly to the heart of him, and now I think I can change my characterization of him just slightly to deepen him.

What’s next with the bird book synchros, I wonder? 🙂


How often have you been in a bookstore and opened a book at random just to see if there’s something in the book that speaks to you?  And when the message is pertinent to something in your life, you probably buy the book. This kind of thing is probably another form of the Library Angel synchronicity.

And, Happy July 4th to our American friends and may everyone have a great weekend!

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6 Responses to The Library Angel Visits

  1. It does appear that the ‘Library Angel’ or whoever can guide us at times, often unexpectedly. How amazing to find a character you have created in another book, raises lots of questions.

  2. DJan says:

    That’s a fabulous synchro! I loved it, and yes, it has happened to me as well. You are definitely “in the groove” with that character and just needed a little encouragement, it seems to me. 🙂

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    Happy 4th of July! Like I posted on the Indiana Jones forum:

    Happy Indy-pendence Day! Let’s crack some whips and fireworks! 🙂

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