Cluster Synchro

What’s with May 1st, anyway? This sure looks like a global cluster synchro to us!

On May 1, 1945, Hitler’s death was announced.


On May 1, 2003, Bush announced that the mission was accomplished. Here he is in his flight suit on the U.S.S. Lincoln.

On May 1, 2011, Obama announced that Bin Laden is dead.


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10 Responses to Cluster Synchro

  1. Ray Getzinger says:

    There is the old saw one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. And of course the reverse. Good point R & T.


  2. Ray Getzinger says:

    And the 11’s come up again. 9/11 and 5/1/11. Two out of three true statements, Hitler’s death and Bin Laden’s death. The Bush mission would have been accomplished had he declared victory and gone home. There was no reason to disband the Iraqi army that could have prevented the sectarian violence. Other than those close to Saddam the army could have held the country together without everything that happened in the vacuum left by the disbanding. If Saddam had to go along with those like Chemical Ali and Saddam’s cruel sons they could have been taken out the way Bin Laden was. The Baathists were like the Mandarins in China. They knew how to get things done. They were born civil servants.

    Avarice, the spur of industry.
    David Hume ~ Scottish Philosopher
    May 7, 1711 – August 25, 1776
    I think this could very well be the motto of US Foreign Policy.
    In the words of Gordon Gecko, “Greed is Good.”


    • R and T says:

      Absolutely right, Ray. That link you sent in an email had a great synchro! Thank you. More fodder for a post, even if the material itself is as sad comment on where we are as a nation.

    • R and T says:

      Another synchro related to bin Ladin: a man known for creating terror died in an act of terror. We might not think of his death as a terrorist act, but it was terror. Imagine armed men smashing into your house, rampaging room to room, and shooting virtually everyone in sight. Yeah, that sounds like terror to me if you were on the receiving end. The lesson for bin Ladin: like attracts like. A lesson that came a little late for him. – R

  3. D Page says:

    May Day is also known as Beltane, one of the 8 Sabbats (festival) for pagans. Belatne is also one the four primary Sabbats in the Wheel f the Year. Beltane is a celebration of fertility and the arrival of spring after the long dark winter. From May Day we have the tradition of dancing around the May Pole. The night before is May Day called Walpurgisnacht and was traditionally celebrated all over Northern Europe with bonfires & revelry. Before the advent of Christianity, the fires were symbolic of burning away the cold winter. After Christianity, the bonfires represented the burning away the witches.

    This time of year has connotations of a sacrifice, which my linger in the collective unconscious.

    • R and T says:

      Great explanation, D. I figured someone would mention Beltane. I didn’t know about the night before May day.

    • abyssgazer says:

      Although it was technically May 1, I thought about Walpurgisnacht, also, with all the young people gathering at the White House and Ground Zero, partying with candles ablaze. I found it a bit inappropriate as I’m rapidly approaching the get-offa-my-lawn stage of life, but perhaps those young adults were tapping into something else, whether collective unconscious or something else–they just needed something to trigger it (no pun intended).

      • R and T says:

        Maybe the young people who have grown up under the shadow of bin Ladin needed to experience a release. Let’s hope it’s not a false one. The muted reaction from the Mideast to his death is a good sign that the religious fanatics are losing their grip to the pro-democracy masses.

  4. terripatrick says:

    66 years between 5/1/1945 and 5/1/2011 is what jumped out at me. Not sure what to think about that other than to be pleased the loss of lives generated may have been more dramatic, but it was a lot smaller and more random.

  5. Nancy says:

    Almost as though someone or something was orchestrating…

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