A Synchro Pun

In The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, we suggested interpreting signs and symbols appearing in your waking life as if you were interpreting a dream. Sometimes dreams catch our attention through puns.

For example, if a girl dreams that her boyfriend has a lion in the back of his house, it could mean that he is ly-in’ to her about something.  If you dream of a bear accompanying you to work, maybe it means that you need strength and power in the workplace. As a pun, it suggests that you can’t bear it. If you dream you’re on a train, but you never take trains in real life, it could mean that you’re in training. Aren’t we all?

These sort of puns can flow right into our waking lives, appearing as synchronicity. Here’s a dramatic synchro-pun that was related in Synchronicity: Science, Myth, and the Trickster, by Allan Combs and Mark Holland.

A Texas motorcycle patrolman, named Allen Falby, was severely injured when his motorcycle struck the back of a truck. Alfred Smith pulled over after seeing the accident and saw that Falby had a deep gash in his leg. So he used his tie as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. His action probably saved the patrolman’s life.

Five years later, the two men met again. This time Smith was badly injured in a car accident. Falby was first on the scene and found Smith bleeding badly from one leg. He applied a tourniquet and after the bleeding stopped looked closely at Smith’s face and recognized the man who had saved his life.  Later, Falby jokingly commented, “One good tourniquet deserves another.”

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12 Responses to A Synchro Pun

  1. Natalie says:

    Loved the puns, thanks for the link, Daz. BBL.

  2. Julie says:

    New reader here. This is not related to your blog post today, just a general thing.
    I just finished your book (literally) today when I was out at lunch by myself at a local cafe. Drove home and backed car into driveway (the usual way I park), and then my cell phone rang. It was my husband and we chatted for a minute. While I was talking with him, I noticed (on the edge of my driveway by the sidewalk) money floating around in the wind (!). Of course I hopped out of the car to grab it. How much did I find? A ten, a five, and a one dollar bill, so a total of $16.
    How much was my lunch that I just paid cash for? $16.
    Thanks for my free lunch, Universe.
    And, oh, yeah, I like your book on Synchronicity.
    Best regards,

  3. lauren raine says:

    Great story…………..I absolutely do believe the Powers the Be have a terrific sense of humor. This “good tourniquit” certainly seems so! l I’m fascinated Daz’s comment above as well, and look forward to being able to read about this book.

    A lot of my synchros seem very funny to me…..as I was reading, I remembered years ago when I was going through a phase of being very paranoid about “psychic vampires”, and reading all kinds of books about the subject. I was camping at a festival at that time, and had created a small community altar – one morning I went to say my prayers, and right on the altar someone had placed a bunch of tent stakes!

    I still carry my “vampire stakes” around!

  4. Nancy says:

    Daz – Thanks for the book link!

  5. Nancy says:

    I have to agree with DJan – someone up there (out there?) has a sense of humor.

  6. This one cracked me up this morning…thanks guys!

  7. Trish says:

    For some reason, Daz’s comment didn’t show up. Here it is:
    It’s funny you say the line “pay attention to what you pay attention to”. As you know from reading my blog,the universe has got me onto a creativity tangent and I’ve been investigating creative individual’s blogs and reading their books.The book that I’m reading at the moment (along with 5 others) is “Creating a Life Worth Living” by Carol Lloyd.,and it sounds like it would be right up Megan’s alley (I’m only up to page 31 though,so I may be jumping the gun…but I’ll keep you posted) as it seems to parallel Megan’s present life situation. It’s got great reviews on Amazon…and so far I can see why.
    Getting back to the line “pay attention to what you pay attention to”.You may have already read this on your travels in cyberland,but I came across this post by “accident” early this week and added it to my To-do bookmarks to read later;


    And the post is titled “pay attention to what you pay attention to”,and the blog is called “Drawing Down the Vision-a practical guide to living and working creatively”.
    I found this blog;


    when I was Google-ing “living and working creatively”+”ritual”.Because the first chapter of “Creating a Life Worth Living” is about living and working creatively and the 15 minute daily ritual that Carol wants reader’s to practice.When I started poking around this great blog I found (among loads of other great posts) this post called
    “pay attention to what you pay attention to” (so it’s maybe lucky I did.-) and bookmarked it to come back to later…which in all honesty,I probably wouldn’t have.
    But when I brought up the page to have another read through,to see if it was worth passing on to you,I saw this line;
    “I realized there was a “”””hidden crutch””””” buried in my original sketch: a need for comfort, security, and a fear of making tough life choices.”
    (Sorry I went a bit overboard on my ” ” ‘s,but did you notice the words
    Maybe you’ve come across this site before,but I thought I just had to tell you about it.
    Cheers / Daz

  8. DJan says:

    Your stories about synchros amaze me. This one was rather astounding! How can anybody think there is not someone up there with a sense of humor?

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