A West Virginia Synchro

 We’ve talked before about how the Internet facilitates synchronicity and this certainly was the case with an email we received recently.

Joanne emailed us through the synchro secrets website with a question about a sighting that Jenean – gypsy woman had in the late 1960s, that we wrote about in Aliens in the Backyard.  She said she’d done a search for newspaper articles about the sighting, which took place on a bus in Louisiana, and couldn’t find anything on the Internet. She was curious about how other people on the bus had reacted.

So I wrote Jenean and asked her if the story had received coverage in the local press at the time. She replied that it had. She and her son clearly remembered that the media had written it off as a “cloud” from a nearby industrial plant in Sterlington. Jenean noted that she had Google Joanne’s name and sent the link.

I was surprised to learn that Joanne lived in Clarksburg, West Virginia,   just a few miles from our friend, Millie Gemondo. In a subsequent email, I mentioned it Joanne. She replied that her friend had graduated with Kim Gemondo from Shinston High School in 1970, but her friend didn’t know if Kim was related to Millie. She was excited, though, that Millie was a psychic.

I knew Millie had graduated from that same high school and recalled that she’d once told me that she was probably related to any Gemondo in her area. So this afternoon I called her and told her the story and asked if she was related to a Kim Gemondo. She laughed. “Sure am. He’s my nephew, my brother’s son. He’s the editor of the local newspaper.”

So what are the odds on something like this? Jenean doesn’t know Millie or Joanne.  She simply was curious about Joanne and Googled her, something I didn’t do. I think this is an example of Indra’s net, where we are all connected at some level. That conscious, visual connection used to be six degrees. Now it’s much less. Will this one lead somewhere? Who knows? But it is certainly one of those oddball synchros.


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6 Responses to A West Virginia Synchro

  1. Great synchro, the Internet is making the links easier and easier.

  2. Shadow says:

    …kinda like invisible puzzle pieces that fall into place.

  3. DJan says:

    (Aside: thank for having a captcha that makes me think about my multiplication tables.) I love that spider and web picture, and I think this is a very cool synchro. Indra’s Net indeed. 🙂

  4. Once again I experienced a synchro based just on what you wrote here – having to do with a friend in West Virginia. I was going to tell you about it and then thought – no it probably is too personal and not appropriate but, bam – just seeing West Virginia here I will see if I can write it to you in an email later.

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