Millie and the 2 of Clubs

 This image is from a deck called soul cards, found here.

If psychic phenomena falls under the umbrella of synchronicity, as Jung  believed, then every time you get a psychic reading, you’re experiencing synchronicity.

We first met heard about Millie Gemondo of West Virginia the night before Hurricane Andrew struck South Florida. Two days later, we had a reading with her. We were impressed. Eventually, we met Millie. And were really impressed. So many psychics have agendas – personal agendas. Not Millie. If she doesn’t see or feel it, she tells you. No BS.

She’s not only a terrific psychic, but an empath -someone capable of tuning into the emotions and physical body of whoever  he or she is reading.

Some empaths use photos of or objects that belong to the person for whom they are reading, but they generally don’t use the typical divination tools – no cards, I Ching coins, astrological charts.  Millie uses a regular playing deck of cards when she reads for people, but the cards are simply her way of focusing her enormous ability. One night she was reading for Trish and said something that really resonated and Trish exclaimed, “What? Where are you getting that?”

Millie laughed and touched her temple. “The two of clubs.”

Now the two of clubs is the standing joke. But it’s the card that resonates emotionally for her, that opens her to the “vast, tumultuous ocean of desires, conflicts and pains, triumphs and joys that are specific to the person I’m reading.” She doesn’t consider herself an empath, but sometimes the emotional connections to the person she’s reading shoves its way into her awareness.

While reading for a friend on Florida’s west coast some years ago, she suddenly felt a pain in her breast and blurted, “You’ve  got a small tumor in your left breast. Get yourself to a doctor immediately.”

The friend went to the doctor the next day and, sure enough, a small tumor was found and subsequently removed. Millie’s warning saved her friend’s life.

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10 Responses to Millie and the 2 of Clubs

  1. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    I love hearing about this lady. I've never heard of a psychic who can diagnose cars. That's cute. She sounds wonderful. I'll have to give her a try. I love getting readings. It's hard to find true authentic psychics but I know they are out there.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'd say that definitely qualifies as empathic, Toumai. You felt what she felt. How beautiful for both of you.

  3. Toumai says:

    Today I had an experience which relates (I think) to what you refer as "empathic".

    I'm in Toronto exhibiting (selling my pewter)and a woman approaches me with what appears to be a difficult question as she is struggling very hard to get it out. Finally she says "I'm looking for a special ornament in memory of a child we lost just this year". She also mentioned that the child loved teddy bears and so asked if I had any Christmas ornaments of that nature.

    As she spoke the words, I felt an incredible feeling of warmth begin to rise from the core of my body (a sensation I used to feel at various times in my life prior to 2000).

    I showed the woman my 2009 Teddy- bear riding a shooting star and I said to her, "since Teddy is going to be riding the stars, it's fitting to have a pair wings". I turned over Teddy to show her the new, very little pair of wings. The woman was speachles and struggled to hold back tears. At that moment the feeling intensified… it is very hard to explain, except that I feel it's a special gift of love.

    At the request of the woman, I engraved the boy's name on the star, "Benjamen".

  4. Liza says:

    I love this story and that image.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The Crowley tarot deck isn't the easier to read. I use a simple rider-waite deck and also a round deck (can't recall name) because there are no reversed cards!

    Millie is also good with $ figures. If she says we're getting a check soon, she can usually give an accurate range for the amount, too, and is nearly always right!

  6. Nancy says:

    I must contact her. I have been meaning to do that…

    Thanks for the reminder.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow! what a neat sounding lady! trish, she reminds me of the woman over in maryland i mentioned that my daughter and i have gone to – anyway, love that she does cars!!! and great great story of her seeing the breast tumor!

  8. Vanessa says:

    Delightful story. 🙂 I don't remember ever having a psychic reading (except in a dream once), but in my early 20s I bought some Aleister Crowley tarot cards to do readings for myself and my friends, and they were so accurate, they scared me. Or maybe it was the frightening images on the cards that scared me. I threw them away and haven't bought any cards since, but your post has made me realize, it's not the cards, it's the energy you give them.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Millie is also good at diagnosing cars, and I hate when she tells me there's something wrong with one of ours. Because she's usually right. Sometimes, she's even specific about the nature of the upcoming problem.

  10. Shadow says:

    now this is something i know and understand. and believe.

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