What We Attract

We’re always on the prowl for new synchronicities. So this evening, I ran across this headline: Actor in Ad Battling Swine Flu Comes Down with Swine Flu, a story that reminds me of several earlier posts, like this one, where actors play certain parts and then their lives become a reflection of that part.

David McCusker, a 30-year-old from Sutton, Surrey, is featured in a UK ad about how to prevent swine flu, and was interviewed by the Daily Mail after his symptoms were confirmed as swine flu. “I was supposed to Catch It, Bin It, Kill It. But instead, I’ve been shivering, shaking, and spreading it.”

Here’s the swine flu ad on youtube:

– Trish

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6 Responses to What We Attract

  1. Celeste Maia says:

    Life imitating fiction, and vice versa. You always bring to our attention such interesting points!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think most of us clearly know the differences between fictions and real life. When I'm feeling vulnerable or more like a psychic sponge, I avoid certain shows. But the same doesn't go for novels. I like to know what other writers are writing.

  3. Nancy says:

    I belive this. I have quit watching violent crime show, simply because they have an affect on me, and I don't want to attract violence into my life. Ditto for crime novels, which I have always loved – especially the phychological thrillers, which I usually can solve before the end of the book. But what you think is what you attract, no doubt. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Marlene says:

    I don't allow any of those shows in the house, any doomsday type or anything violent or evil/devil connotations..I think it makes your mind fearful and this brings negativity into your home and mind..If my husband wants to watch that stuff its in his office only…I am very very concerned as to what the TV does to ones mind especially children…

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I know just what you mean! I saw speculation somewhere on the Internet that the show was "preparation" for that reality (it must've been a blog on conspiracies). Comparisons were made to shows that prepared "the masses" for contact, nuclear war etc.

    I'm reading The Vortex now, the new Esther and Jerry Hicks book – another in their law of attraction series. I think I'll avoid this show!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i LOVE that commercial!!! love it!!

    sorry, i digress – now, just last night i watched several of the series shows of the new tv reality feature called THE COLONY – has anyone else seen it? fascinating following of a group of people from all walks of life who are forced to live in post-apocalyptic L.A. after a world wide sweep of bio-chem warfare – several groups of volunteers become the survivors who are trying to rebuild – others become another group who attempts to overtake the first group – they have to find water food and shelter if they are to survive – learning to survive from the most rudimentary pieces left behind post-destruction – it is fascinating to watch these volunteers become so entrenched in their own reality of the "show" after only a day – one of the moderators is a psychologist who follows along the actions of these volunteers and discusses to the audience the whats/whys of the volunteers re-actions, etc – anyway, i became so engrossed that i had to turn it away – i realized that more than a little of watching, for me, anyway, carried my mind somewhere else – and that was to the possibility/probability of that world becoming our real world – and accepting it as such – and so i chose not to continue watching – and thus, not continuing to allow that possibility into my own mind's reality – gee – i think i'm rambling and if i edit this i'll cut the whole thing so i'm just going to stop and hope that this makes sense to someone else – not said well at all as i am so ill i can barely sit up and am not sure i've the energy to even make it to my doctor appt in a couple of hours – so, i'm off, hoping this is not as badly worded as my body feels –

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