Fatal Attraction

We’ve talked about deaths coming in threes, and here’s another example. This time though it’s not celebrities, but employees of Disney World, and one of them played Indiana Jones.

ORLANDO, Fla. — A 30-year-old performer at Disney World is dead after rehearsing for a stunt show, the third worker to die in seven weeks at the Orlando, Fla., park.

Anislav Varbanov was pronounced dead late Monday at a hospital after injuring his head while rehearsing a tumbling roll for the “Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular.”

A Disney spokeswoman said the company mourned Varbanov’s death. The stunt show was canceled Tuesday in his memory.

The death comes a week after a 47-year-old performer died following an on-stage fall during another show, “Captain Jack’s Pirate Tutorial.” And on July 5, a 21-year-old monorail driver died when another train crashed into his own.

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6 Responses to Fatal Attraction

  1. terripatrick says:

    What's interesting here is 2 performers, a week apart, but it doesn't say if they both died of head trauma, or had a personal connection besides both being stunt performers. One died before an audience, the other in rehearsal.

    The 21 yr old, who died six weeks earlier, was not performing and even if he was also a head trauma death, probably wasn't the only injury when two monorails crashed. The only connection he shares with the stunt performers is "employed by Disney".

    Ray – deaths come in any number, at any time, and share a connection in our awareness by how they impact us.

  2. Ray says:

    Do the deaths come in threes in the case of celebrities, friends, etc. or because we believe are we more aware? When there is a fourth or fifth death, which are the three we lump together? Not sayin I deny the synch, just something that is in the back of my mind when it happens.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Celeste – the synchronicity lies in the cluster – 3 employee deaths @ disney. This isn't to say that all deaths come in threes (though many do), but that the cluster is interesting.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    THREE deaths in SEVEN weeks in the SAME employment situation – two of which involved the actions of the deceased and seemingly not bringing into play the actions of others – seems more than a little curious to me –

    i'd not heard any of this in the news goings-on so especially interesting –

  5. Celeste Maia says:

    I realize your point is in the threes, that death comes in threes. But not necessarily, not necessarily.

  6. Celeste Maia says:

    What is your conclusion of these three deaths? Where is the synchronicity here? Am I being dense? Or is Disney a dangerous place to work?

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