Believed 88

This synchronicity needs a a little background. We took our daughter, Megan, back to college Wednesday to begin her junior year. There was some uncertainty here because of a relationship that ended last year and she was feeling somewhat at odds with herself. She’s a proponent of the law of attraction – aka Esther and Jerry Hicks and the Abraham material – so she realized the importance of moving into a “better feeling place.” She was looking for confirmation that she could do this. Her favorite number, by the way, is 8.

So this evening she went over to the bay to watch the sun set. Her touch-screen phone was in her pocket, the keyboard NOT locked, which means that your body’s movements can sometimes cause the phone to call random numbers, to type random text messages. The usual result is gibberish. But as Megan tells it:

“So I’m sitting there and it’s all just a perfect moment. The sun setting, people swimming and splashing in the bay, and I’m feeling really good, optimistic. And suddenly I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, and I slip it out, expecting to see the number of an incoming call. Instead, there’s a text message that says BELIEVED 88. I didn’t type this message. No one sent it to me. The message was created by my body’s movements because the keypad wasn’t locked. Even the word BELIEVED was spelled right! And 8 is my favorite number and this was double 8s. You guys call this synchronicity. To me, it means I was coming into alignment with Source. It was an affirmation.”
8 is, among other things, the symbol for infinity. And if the quantum physics guys are right, if our intentions can effect matter, then Megan’s experience seems to suggest that sometimes that effect can be stunningly literal.

As a parent, this story is both humbling and exhilarating. And this photo is of Megan on birthday 19, to be repeated on birthday 20. It’s that sort of risk and rush that characterizes her intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. It leaves me standing on the ground, peering upward, breathless.

– Trish

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7 Responses to Believed 88

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, good for megan! a true spirit of her parents! aren't you just way proud of her!!!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You're a sweetheart, Nancy!

  3. Nancy says:

    Wow, it makes me think she is in a very good place. If she can get messages so quickly, think what she could do if she really put her mind to it!

    I was lucky to meet your amazing daughter – you have so much to be proud with her.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great interpretation, Gemel. Thank you!

    Megan read the post and comments today and asked if she could write up her experience for the book (as opposed to mom or dad writing it up!)She loved the comments.

  5. Gemel says:

    Tone (number) 8 is galactic, it calls to us to harmonize our self, to model our self, and to BE with integrity…..

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    words straight from a parent's heart – discovering – seeing – being a part of the development intellectually emotionally spiritually of your child – what an honor – a privilege for every parent – and such a sense of fulfillment to see our children wing their own way, literally and figuratively – beautiful! and beautiful of you to share "herstory" –

  7. "Jo" says:

    It's the second time for me to visit your blog today. There's something about this article that attracts me. Maybe it's the similarities I find between your description of your daughter and myself. Maybe it's the synchronicity you describe that I have been experiencing as well. I can't quite put my finger on it. I'll just keep visiting, sooner or later it'll become clear I'm sure.

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