Category Archives: beliefs

Colors, WordPress, Rights Reversions, and ebooks!

One of my frustrations with WordPress has been what I thought was a lack of versatility in terms of colors and fonts. In fact, when we first migrated our blog from blogger to WordPress a year or so ago, I … Continue reading

Posted in beliefs, blogging, ebooks, publishing, synchronicity | 16 Comments

Mass Events in Tucson

In 1981, Jane Roberts/Seth published a book called The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. This book is one of the most intriguing and also one of the most baffling. In the book, Seth talks a lot about epidemics … Continue reading

Posted in beliefs, Seth, tucson, violence | 44 Comments

Seed Money

 One of my first stops every day in blogland is Mike Perry’s blog on synchronicity. A few weeks ago, he posted a wonderful story that he called Seed Money. It’s an exercise in visualization and belief. And it’s uplifting. I … Continue reading

Posted in beliefs, money, visualization | 15 Comments

Believed 88

This synchronicity needs a a little background. We took our daughter, Megan, back to college Wednesday to begin her junior year. There was some uncertainty here because of a relationship that ended last year and she was feeling somewhat at … Continue reading

Posted in beliefs, law of attraction, Megan, Numbers, phones | 7 Comments