Four of a kind

I came across these two synchronicities about names on a previously mentioned site called System Glitch.
It’s difficult to verify whether they’re true stories or not, but oddly enough the sub-title of the web site reads: In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

In 1985, a man named John Stott was involved in a serious car crash. The accident was witnessed by a passerby named Bernard Stott, was investigated by police officer Tina Stott, and administered by desk sergeant Walter Stott. The four individuals were not related.

In 1920, three English men, who did not know each other, were sitting in the same booth aboard a train traveling through Peru. When they began to converse with each other, they were all surprised when one man introduced himself as “Bingham”, the second as “Powell”, and the third as “Bingham-Powell”.
How many Binghams were traveling around Peru in 1920? The previous year, Hiram Bingham discovered the famed Incan ruin of Macchu Picchu. That makes at least four.

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4 Responses to Four of a kind

  1. Nancy says:

    Wow, very interesting, especially the Stott synchronicity. What are the odds??

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Apparently, there's a glitch with the systems glitch link. I can't get into it, either. Hm, another synchronicity?!

    Also, on the second example, there are three Binghams, not four. One of the men was Powell.

  3. Celeste Maia says:

    I love it, fascinating!

  4. musingegret says:

    That link doesn't connect for me; any corrections?

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