Where the Dolphins Ended Up


Back in September 2013, our daughter, Megan, had her first exhibit of her dolphin art. As a result of that show, she sold three of her dolphin pieces, and others followed later on.

The first piece, which had hung on our living room wall, went to our friend and novelist Nancy Pickard.  A second one went to our friend and fellow blogger, Nancy Atkinson. A third and fourth eventually went to a local couple, Rose and Dwayne, who is an artist himself.

I’m always curious what people do with the art they buy, and now I know!  Nancy Pickard’s piece was the largest and she said it was going to look great on her bedroom wall. A few days ago, she sent me a photo of the dolphin in her redecorated, very Zen bedroom. The dolphin looks quite pleased, with plenty of color to swim in.


Nancy Atkinson thought her dolphin would fit perfectly in the condo she and her husband own on Maui, and asked Megan to ship it to Hawaii. She gave the dates when she was going to be in Hawaii, and asked Megan to mail it to that address. Mercury, which rules travel and communication in astrology, was retrograde during that period and I had reservations about the painting being mailed during the retro.. Long story short, the dolphin never arrived and eventually found its way back to Megan’s apartment. She subsequently mailed it to Nancy’s home on the mainland. So her dolphin traveled more than 11,000 miles before Nancy finally received it. The full story is here. Her dolphin, whom I fondly call Nomad, will probably end up in Hawaii.

The dolphin that Rose and Dwayne bought was framed and hung on a coquina rock wall in their living room. I think this dolphin looks quite happy, too!

Rob and I also bought several of her pieces and framed the smallest. That painting graces the living room wall with two other pieces that are done in panels. We call that wall The Dolphins’ Place.

Thanks to her Paint Nite classes, she is now expanding to other types of paintings and uses acrylics.

Nothing like bragging about your kid, huh?

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9 Responses to Where the Dolphins Ended Up

  1. Momwithwings says:

    You have every right to brag about your lovely, talented daughter!

  2. Shadow says:

    Your daughter has TALENT!

  3. DJan says:

    You have every right to brag about that wonderful artist you are related to! And maybe even a bit responsible for her talent. I love them all, but especially the one on your Dolphin wall. 🙂

  4. They are great works of art, and that’s definitely something to brag about! Keep on bragging with her future paintings.

  5. sharon catley says:

    Love the paintings and the decor they ended up in. I get a very calm free feeling when I look at them. You do have the right to brag – she is very talented. Look forward to seeing more of her work in the future.

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