Like attracts Like


Yes, like attracts like, even when you don’t like it.

Case in point, two Muslim religious leaders en route to a conference in Charlotte, N.C. on Islamophobia are removed from the airplane by the pilot. No doubt the religious leaders were focused on anti-Muslim sentiments in the U.S. when they experienced the growing phenomenon first-hand.

Since the pilot probably didn’t know the nature of the event they were planning to attend, it’s also a case of synchronicity – two related events coming together outside of cause and effect.

Here’s the story as reported by the Charlotte Observer.


Two Muslim religious leaders on their way to a Charlotte conference on “Islamophobia” said they were removed from a commercial flight Friday because the pilot refused to fly with them on board.

Imams Masudur Rahman, an adjunct professor of Arabic at the University of Memphis, and Mohamed Zaghloul said they and their bags were checked twice by security agents at the Memphis airport before boarding the 8:40 a.m. Delta Connection Flight 5452 to Charlotte.

Rahman said the plane left the gate and was taxiing to the runway when the pilot came over the intercom. “The pilot said: ‘There is an issue. We need to return to the gate,'” Rahman said.

A Transportation Security Administration spokesman confirmed the incident Friday and said it was not that agency’s decision to deny boarding.

“They were screened and cleared to fly,” said TSA spokesman Jon Allen in Atlanta. “The decision to deny boarding was made by the airline, not TSA.”

A Delta Air Lines spokeswoman said the flight was operated by Atlantic Southeast Airlines, based in Atlanta.

Jarek Beem, spokesman for Atlantic Southeast Airlines, the Delta Connection carrier that was operating the flight, told The Commercial Appeal newspaper in Memphis that the incident was under investigation.

He said the airline regretted any inconvenience to passengers, and that the airline takes passenger security very seriously. He would not comment on specifics of the case.

The imams were flying to Charlotte to attend the North American Imams Federation 2011 Conference this weekend. Organizers said more than 150 religious leaders from across the country will meet through Sunday to discuss prejudice and fear of Islam or Muslims.

“The conference is about ‘Islamophobia,’ so it’s ironic that these guys were stopped on their way here because of this same issue,” said Jibril Hough of the Islamic Center of Charlotte. “These guys definitely have something to talk about.”

After catching another flight and arriving at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport Friday night, Rahman recounted the incident to reporters.

Dressed in traditional Muslim clothing, Rahman said a Delta official apologized to them after they were removed from the plane Friday morning. He said the official told them that the pilot said some passengers were concerned about them on the flight.

Their attorney, Mo Idlibi, said there was no reason not to allow his clients to fly on the plane after several different security checks.

“I’d really like to know what the pilot based it on.”

Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the men called the council after the incident. Hooper said his group would review the incident to see if further action is warranted.

Calling it a “Juan Williams thing,” a reference to the fired PBS correspondent who said he was leery of flying with people in Muslim garb, Hooper added, “I think it’s possible the whole bin Laden situation factored into this with heightened sensitivity all around.”

Rahman said the experience reminded him of Rosa Parks and her famous 1955 stand against riding in the back of an Alabama bus because she was black.

“That racism, I felt today in the plane,” he said. “And that should not happen to anyone.”

Staff writer Meghan Cooke and The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal contributed. Editor’s note: Comments have been disabled due multiple abuse reports. Please refrain from profanity, obscenity, spam, name-calling or attacking others for their views.


The last paragraph from the Charlotte Observer’s web editor suggests that Islamophobia is also rampant on the Internet.

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7 Responses to Like attracts Like

  1. abyssgazer says:

    Wow, ironic.

    So, on a daily basis, passengers have their privacy invaded for this “security” kabuki for what purpose? If a pilot isn’t confident that all those measures are effective, what is the point of body scans and shoe removals? It shouldn’t surprise anyone that all the security nazis really want is to racially profile (and thereby marginalize) Muslim passengers.

  2. friend of nica says:

    interestingly, last night the tv show “the closer” did an episode on the same issue –

  3. friend of nica says:

    i saw this on the news and was shocked and dismayed as i know many of us were/are – racism is alive and well and traveling by delta/asa airlines – how sad – and what a synchronicity!

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